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California/Western Region: <br /> 4138 Lakeside Drive <br /> RIEDEL ENVIRONMENTAL Richmond, California 94806 <br /> SERVICES INC. (510) 222-7810 <br /> FAX: (510) 222-6868 <br /> 18 October 1994 <br /> Ms. Margaret Pitts <br /> Senior Engineer Q✓ y )�,9,{ <br /> Strint Communications Company <br /> 901 East 104th Street ENVIRONMf NTA, -+EAS,:, <br /> Kansas City, MO 64131 PEE'ZMIT/aE&ICES <br /> Re: Pipeline Trench Sampling, Sprint Stockton Switch Facility <br /> 3807 Coronado Avenue, Stockton, California <br /> RES Project 4185 <br /> Dear Ms. Pitts: <br /> Riedel Environmental Services, Inc. (RES) has prepared this letter detailing the additional soil <br /> sampling at the Sprint Communications Company Stockton Switch Facility located at 3807 <br /> Coronado Avenue in Stockton, California. As required by San Joaquin County Public Health <br /> Services (SJCPHS), a sample of the native soil beneath the abandoned pipeline trench of the <br /> previously existing 6000-gallon UST was obtained and analyzed. This letter is provided as an <br /> addendum to the RES' Soil Investigation report dated 7 October 1994. <br /> Pipeline Trench Sampling <br /> On 13 October 1994, RES manually advanced a single borehole through the bottom of the <br /> abandoned pipeline trench using hand auger equipment. Fill soils were encountered to a depth <br /> of approximately 4 feet below the ground surface. Trench backfill gravel was encountered from <br /> approximately 4 to 5 feet below the ground surface. Native soil, consisting of yellow-brown, <br /> moist silt with fine sand, was encountered at the bottom of the pipeline trench at a depth of <br /> approximately 5 feet below the ground surface. The location of the hand auger borehole HB1 <br /> is shown on the attached Figure. <br /> A sample of the native soil at a depth of approximately 6.6 feet below ground surface (1.5 feet <br /> below the bottom the abandoned pipeline trench) was obtained using a manually operated <br /> hammer sampling device containing a 2-inch diameter by 6-inch long brass tube. Upon removal <br /> from the sampling device, the ends of the sample tube were sealed with Teflon film, plastic end <br /> caps, and tape. The sample was then labeled (HBl-D6.6), logged onto a chain-of-custody <br /> record, and placed in a cooler containing blue ice for transport to a State of California certified <br /> testing laboratory. Ms. Diane Hinson and Mr. Eric Trevena of the SJCPHS witnessed the soil <br /> sampling. <br /> At the completion of the field sampling on 13 October 1994, the soil sample was transported to <br /> Superior Analytical Laboratory located in Martinez, California. Chain-of-custody documentation <br /> accompanied the sample from time of acquisition until delivery to the laboratory. The sample <br /> 4185\CBW4\SPR1NT.ADD\I8OCT94 24-Hour Hotline 1 (800) 334-0004 <br /> A Suz_ 7iary c` _--ei Environmerta e..,^ologies InC <br />