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Monitoring weU: <br /> 1. Soil samples will be taken at 5 foot intervals beginning at the first native soil <br /> encountered beneath tank fill, and every YA-judirected by the Geologist in charge. <br /> Although groundwater is anticipated at abo t 60' a ow grade, oil sampling may continue <br /> beyond that depth depending upon results of e s samples. <br /> 2. Soil samples will be described by the Geologist, and selected samples will be preserved <br /> for laboratory analysis. A portion of each core will be placed in a sealable plastic bag and <br /> screened for hydrocarbon vapors with a PID meter or similar device. <br /> 3. After reaching final depth as determined by the Geologist and the San Joaquin Co. <br /> EHD representative, 2" blank & slotted, flush screw joint PVC casing will be run to <br /> bottom. The casing will be equipped with a screw plug on bottom, and a minimum of 20' <br /> of screen with .020" shop made slots. <br /> 4. The annular space between the hole and the casing will be filled with washed and <br /> graded sand; it will extend a minimum of 2' above the top of the screen. The sand will be <br /> sealed with at least 2' of bentonite(pellets or chips,) and wetted with water. <br /> 5. The remaining annular space will be filled with a cement/bentonite slurry placed with a <br /> tremie pipe from the surface. <br /> 6. The top of the casing will be fitted with a pre-formed vault which will be thoroughly <br /> grouted with concrete. The casing will extend into the vault and be sealed with an <br /> expandable locking cap. The vault will be sealed with a heavy duty metal cover and <br /> labeled. <br /> 7. The preserved soil & water samples from the soil boring and monitoring well will be <br /> transported under chain of custody to a State Certified laboratory will instructions to <br /> analyze for BTEX(EPA 8020) TPHg(EPA 8015M,) and oxygenates(EPA 8260.) <br /> 8. 24 to 36 hours after completion of the well, it will be developed, purged and sampled <br /> as directed by the County EHD. Water samples will be transported under chain of <br /> custody to a State Certified laboratory and analysed for BTEX, TPHg, and oxygenates <br /> using approved detection limits. <br /> 9. The elevation and coordinates of the casing will be determined by a licensed surveyor. <br /> NOTE: Based upon the results of the laboratory annalyses of the soil and water samples, <br /> additional soil borings and/or monitoring wells may be required. <br /> 4 <br />