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A portion of Lot 3, SPERRY TRACT,filed for record October 2, 1906 in vol. 3 of Maps <br /> , page and <br /> Plats a 51, described as follows: Parcel Two, as shown on Parcel Map, filed for <br /> record August 1, 1973 in Book I of Parcel Maps, page 103.. <br /> GENERAL GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: <br /> The property is located at the north end of the city of Stockton, a short distance west of # <br /> West Lane and 1/2 mile north of Alpine.Ave. Highway 99 is about 2 miles to the east, and ' <br /> the Union Pacific RR main line is just to the west of the property. The area is zoned for <br /> industrial & light manufacturing use, with considerable undeveloped land. The nearest <br /> single family dwellings are west of the railroad tracks. PLATE I, a portion of a CSAR <br /> map, shows the location of the property in relation to other features. <br /> GEOLOGIC & GEOMORPHIC PROVINCE: <br /> The property is located near the southern terminus of the Sacramento Valley, which is the <br /> northern end of what is referred to as,the Great Valley of California. It consists of in <br /> excess of 20,000 feet of sediments derived primarily from uplift and erosion of the Sierra <br /> Nevada Batholith to the east. The area is fairly flat; surface drainage is to the west at <br /> about 5'/mile. The Calaveras river & Stockton Diverting Canal are about 1500' to the <br /> north, the river drains to the west/southwest, and the diverting canal goes southeast. <br /> Based upon USGS topographic maps, (PLATE II,) surface elevation at this location is <br /> approximately 20' msl datum. <br /> DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: <br /> Based upon San Joaquin County Flood Control District maps, the water table was about <br /> 60' bgl during the fall 1997 sampling event. It was located at 46' bgl during the previous <br /> work mentioned above. <br /> SOILS PROFILE: <br /> i <br /> Based upon published maps, the soil in this area is classified as Landlow Clay. It is <br /> generally dark greenish-brown in color, fine textured, underlain by hardpan or hardpan- <br /> like material. The soils excavated during tank removal operations consisted primarily of <br /> very silty clay, sandy clay, and streaks of harder tan to light brown clay. <br /> PRIOR USE OF TANK: <br /> The tank was installed in 1975 for the purpose of fueling company vehicles. Annual <br /> tightness tests were performed up until tank removal;no leakage was detected during that <br /> time. <br /> 2 <br />