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C4 Calculations - Convert mg/L to pounds per gallon <br /> 1 pound/gallon= 1 mg/L * 1 g/1000mg * 1 lb/453 59 mg * 3 785 L/gallon <br /> 1 mg/L = 1 mg/L * 3 785 L/gl * 1 lb/0 4536 Kg * 1 Kg/1000 g=0 000008 lb/gl <br /> The average pump rate during dewatering is estimated at 10 gpm or 14400 gl/day <br /> The carbon units effectively remove 90% of the contaminant in the pumped water, therefore <br /> the mass discharged is estimated not to exceed 10% of the total influent, see following <br /> table <br /> Compound of mg/L lb/gi lb/day lb/day Concentration <br /> concern (COC) @ discharge <br /> *(8 34E-6 14400 gl/day Discharge mg/L <br /> TPHg 60 00005 72 072 60 <br /> Benzene 7 2 000006 0 86 0 086 0 7 <br /> Toluene 2 3 000001 028 0 028 0 2 <br /> Ethyl Benzene 1 5 000001 0 18 0 018 0 15 <br /> Xylenes 10 000008 12 0 1 10 <br /> MtBE 035 0000003 004 0 004 004 <br /> Total Toxic 1 21 35 1000018 2 S6 1026 1 2 14 <br /> C5 7ollution Control- The underground storage tanks and dispensing system have been <br /> removed, removing the primary source of groundwater contamination The intent of this <br /> project is to excavate (remove) the majority of residual contaminated soils thereby <br /> removing the secondary source of groundwater contamination <br /> C6 Sludge Disposal - No significant amounts of sludge should be generated during the <br /> dewatering Water from well RIA and the excavation will be pumped into a sediment drop <br /> out tank (Baker Tank), prior to being pumped to the water carbon units Any sludge <br /> collected in the sediment drop out tank will be placed with the excavated soil that will be <br /> stored on site until proper disposal has been secured <br /> C9 Sample Schedule - Initial sampling of the influent (influent of first carbon canister) will <br /> occur during the first day of pumping A second set of samples will be obtained from the <br /> influent of all carbon canisters and the effluent of the last carbon canister after <br /> approximately 74,000 gallons have been treated and discharged (5 days) The sample <br /> results will then be used to predict the adsorption efficiencies and retention time the COCs <br /> through the carbon treatment system The sample schedule will be based on sampling prior <br /> to projected breakthrough of the third carbon umt and will sample the influent of the 1" and <br /> 4'i'carbon and the effluent of the 4`h carbon units In no case will sample interval be greater <br /> than monthly <br /> 5 Sanchez Rev WP 2-02 <br />