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RESULTS OF QUARTERLY GROUNDWATER MONITORING <br /> GROUNDWATER GRADIENT AND FLOW DIRECTION <br /> A-ZONE- 1876 AND 1856 COUNTRY CLUB BOULEVARD <br /> Figure 4A uses the new survey elevations supplied by Kjeldsen, Sinnock & Keudeck, Inc <br /> survey dated May 1, 2001 and the well locations and survey elevations associated with <br /> Country Club Food and Fuel, supplied by AGE Figure 4A shows the groundwater <br /> elevation gradient and flow direction determined from depth to water measurements at <br /> the five on-site monitor wells, the newly installed A Zone wells and the wells associated <br /> with Country Club Food and Fuel on January 15, 2002 The groundwater elevation has <br /> increased by an average of 2 feet since the 3rd quarterly 2001 monitoring The current <br /> groundwater gradient shows a small mound forming (recharge from UST excavated area) <br /> at MW3 with a flow direction to the north and northwest with a gradient of 0 002 <br /> ftllinearft (MW5 to MW7A) <br /> B ZONE <br /> . Monitor wells MW 1, MW2, MW3, MW4, MW5 penetrate both the A and B zones <br /> Figure 4B show the gradient determination for the B Zone utilizing only the cluster wells <br /> RIB, MW6B and MW7B The flow direction is relatively flat (0 003 ft/linear ft) and to <br /> the northwest <br /> RESULTS OF CERTIFIED ANALYSIS OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES <br /> MONITOR WELLS <br /> Monitor wells MW 1, MW2, MW3, MW4, and MWS transverse both the A and B zones <br /> Contaminants found in these wells would mix with the groundwater of both zones <br /> Figure 5A represents the hydrocarbon groundwater plume in the A zone and shows an <br /> elongated plume extending west of MW2 out to "Geoprobe" hole P9 where degradation <br /> has left only minor TPHg(470 ug/L), Toluene (0 65 ug/L) and the degradation byproduct <br /> of MTBE (tert-Butanol at I 1 ug/L) <br /> r <br /> Figure 5B represents the hydrocarbon groundwater plume in the B zone and shows a <br /> similar elongated plume extending west from MW2 out to "Geoprobe" hole P9 where I <br /> degradation has left only minor amounts of Toluene (0 81 ug/L), Xylenes (0 83 ug/L) L , <br /> and MTBE (1 6 ug/L) g" <br /> 6 QM 4'h 2001&I"' 2002 <br />