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bentonite tnmied from 20 to 1 foot below surface A traffic rated flush mounted well <br /> vault was set in concrete from 1 foot to surface, see Appendix E <br /> MWBA was installed three feet east of MWBB MWBA was drilled with 8 inch hollow <br /> stem augers to a total depth of 19 feet below the surface Five feet of 0 01 slot screen <br /> was installed from 18 5 to 13 5 feet below the surface Number 2/12 sand was used as a <br /> filter pack from total depth (19') to 12 5 feet below the surface Hydrated bentonite was <br /> placed above the sand to form a sanitary seal from 9 5 to 12 5 feet below the surface <br /> The remaining annular space was filled with neat cement with 5% bentonite tremmd from <br /> 9 5 to I foot below surface A traffic rated flush mounted well vault was set in concrete <br /> from 1 foot to surface, see Appendix E <br /> MWI0-EXCAVATION WELL <br /> On June 24, 2004 Woodward Drilling used their AMS PowerProabe 9630 Pro-D direct <br /> push, rotary rig with 10 inch hollow stem augers to drill into the pea gravel backfilled <br /> excavation area to install a 4 inch diameter groundwater monitoring well From the 24 <br /> foot depth to the 28 foot depth a 1 inch core barrel was driven to determine the depth of <br /> the termination of the excavation and top of the native clay_ The core was examined and <br /> showed the top of clay at 28 feet below the surface The boring was drilled to the 28 foot <br /> depth to install well MW10 A MrnnRae PID (10 6 e v bulb) was used to determine if <br /> gravel, sods and groundwater contained volatile organic compounds MWIO is a 4 inch <br /> diameter sch 40 PVC well with twenty feet of screen The screen is comprised of five <br /> feet of 0 02 inch slot from total depth (28 feet) to 23 feet below the surface, ten feet of <br /> 0 06 inch slot from 13 to 23 feet below the surface and five feet of 0 04 slot from 8 to 13 <br /> feet below the surface Nwnber 3 sand was used as a filter pack from total depth, 28 feet <br /> below the surface to 23 feet below the surface The removed pea gravel was placed back <br /> through the augers from 6 feet to 23 feet below the surface Hydrated bentonite was <br /> placed above the pea gravel to form a sanitary seal from 5 to 6 feet below the surface <br /> The remaining annular space was filled with neat cement with 5% bentonite from 2 75 to <br /> 5 foot below surface A pre existing traffic rated flush mounted well vault (three feet <br /> deep by three feet wide and three feet long was set in concrete to surface Bentonite <br /> chips were placed on the floor of the vault and hydrated (two inches thick) Neat cement <br /> with 5% bentonite was placed above the hydrated bentonite seal to 2 75 feet below the <br /> surface, see Appendix E <br /> Once the wells were installed and developed, groundwater samples were obtained from <br /> all active wells associated with 1876 Country Club Blvd during this quarter (July 15, <br /> 2004) As requested by San Joaquin County Health, WEGE and Advanced <br /> GeoEnvrronmental, Inc (AGE) are to coordinate depth to water and groundwater <br /> samples on the same date. WEGE monitored and sampled wells associated with the <br /> Sanchez Property, 1876 Country Club Boulevard AGE obtained depth to water <br /> measurements from the monitored wells associated with Country Club Food and Fuel, <br /> 1856 Country Club Boulevard Figure 3 - Site Base Map has been expanded to show the <br /> relative positrons of the Country Club Food and Fuel wells to the Sanchez Property wells <br /> Field notes from site monitoring and sampling can be found in Appendix A <br /> 6 Sanchez QM 3rd 2004 <br />