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August 25, 2005 Completed water treatment system modification, tested <br /> system High pressure on carbons <br /> August 29, 2005 Located clogged line, discharge from carbons to Baker <br /> Tank Restarted pump and treatment system <br /> September 2, 2005 Baker Tank high level sensor shuts system off, 16,911 <br /> gallons treated and stored in Baker Tank <br /> September 21-23, 2005 Discharge treated water from Baker Tank to sanitary sewer <br /> September 29, 2005 Re-start pump and treatment system, discharge into Baker <br /> Tank <br /> September 30, 2005 Baker Tank high level sensor shuts system off, 16,623 <br /> gallons treated and stored in Baker Tank <br /> Groundwater pump and treatment system will be restarted once water samples obtained <br /> from the Baker Tank indicate that all permit conditions have been satisfied and the water <br /> stored in the Baker Tank has been discharged to the sanitary sewer Batch pump and <br /> treat will continue though the month of October, 2005, to verify that the modifications to <br /> the treatment system were successful in removing TBA, see Appendices C and F <br /> DEPTH TO WATER MEASUREMENTS <br /> Depth to water was measured at all active wells on July 15, 2005 The measurements <br /> were made from the surveyed elevation at the top of casing at each well using an <br /> electrical air/water interface probe (Table 1) No free product or product sheen was <br /> observed in any of the monitor wells Table 1 also presents the Depth to Water <br /> measurements obtained from wells located at Country Club Food and Fuel The top of <br /> casing elevations for the Country Club Food and Fuel wells were adjusted in height by <br /> 2 9 feet (the most common elevation change found between the old survey and the new <br /> survey of the Sanchez wells) Western Geo-Engineers surveyed the top of casings for <br /> temporary piezometers on February 5, 2003 using level and rod <br /> To determine the influence pumping from MW 10 had on surrounding wells Depth to <br /> water measurements were also obtained on September 28, 2005, prior to pumping, <br /> September 30, 2005, dust prior to terminating pumping and October 5, 2005, five days <br /> after terminating pumping from MW 10, see Table 2 and charts An average pump rate of <br /> 8 9 gpm was sustained while filling the Baker Tank (16,623 gallons) Depth to water <br /> measurements were obtained prior to initiating pumping prior to termination of pumping <br /> and five days after termination of pumping at MW10 from Sanchez wells MW2, MW3, <br /> MW4, MW5, MW8A, MW8B, MW10 and Country Club Food and Fuel wells MWI, <br /> MW2, MW3 and MW4, see Table 2 Sanchez wells MW6A, MW6B, MW7A and <br /> 6 Sanchez QM 3`d 2005 <br />