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The vials or bottles containing the groundwater samples are labeled with site name, <br /> . station, date, time, sampler, and analyses to be performed, and documented on a chain of <br /> custody form. They were placed in ziplock bags and stored in a chest cooled to 4C with <br /> ice. The preserved samples are chain of custody delivered to the chosen laboratory. <br /> Analytical Results <br /> TPH is the abbreviations used for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons used by the laboratories <br /> for water and soil analyses. The letter following TPH indicates a particular distinction or <br /> grouping for the results. The letters "g", "d", "k", or "o" indicate gasoline, diesel, <br /> kerosene, or oil, respectively, ie TPH-d for diesel ranges TPH. <br /> BTEX or MTBE are acronyms or abbreviations used for Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene <br /> and all of the Xylenes (BTEX) and Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE), respectively. <br /> MBTEX is the designation for the combination of the above five compounds. <br /> The less than symbol, <, used with a "parts per value" indicates the lower detection limit <br /> for a given analytical result and the level, if present, of that particular analyte is below or <br /> less than that lower detection limit. <br /> Other abbreviations commonly used are ppm, ppb, mg/Kg, ug/Kg, mUl and ul/l are parts <br /> per million, parts per billion, milligrams per kilogram, micrograms per kilogram, <br /> ® milliliters per liter, microliters per liter, respectively. <br /> Chain of Custody Documentation <br /> All water samples that are collected by WEGE and transported to a certified analytical <br /> laboratory are accompanied by chain-of- custody (COC) documentation. This <br /> documentation is used to record the movement and custody of a sample from collection <br /> in the field to final analysis and storage. Samples to be analyzed at the certified <br /> laboratory were logged on the COC sheet provided by the laboratory. The same <br /> information's provided on the sample labels (site name, sample location, date, time, and <br /> analysis to be performed) are also noted on the COC form. Each person relinquishing <br /> custody of the sample set signs the COC form indicating the date and time of the transfer <br /> to the recipient. A copy of the COC follows the samples or their extracts throughout the <br /> laboratory to aid the analyst in identifying the samples and to assure analysis within <br /> holding times. <br /> Copies of the COC documentation are included with the laboratory results. <br /> i <br /> 14 Sanchez QM 2ND 2005 <br />