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• A layer of fine- to coarse-grained sand underlies the silt bed. In most borings, the sand becomes <br /> coarser grained downward. Rock fragments and various dark minerals are common in the sand, and <br /> the layer is generally medium to dark gray in color. Samples from this layer in GP-1, GP-2, and GP- <br /> 3 exhibited slight hydrocarbon odors. <br /> The sand bed is underlain by dense, massive, blue clay at a depth of 33 feet. This bed is <br /> somewhat plastic in consistency. No gasoline odors were detected in this bed. <br /> 5.2 Soil Analytical Results <br /> 5.2.1 Hydrocarbons <br /> Fourteen soil samples were analyzed by Sequoia Analytical using EPA methods 8015m for Total <br /> Purgeable Hydrocarbons (gasoline) and Methanol, 8020 for volatile aromatics (BTEX), and 8260 <br /> for gasoline oxygenates. The laboratory report is included in Appendix C and the results are <br /> summarized in Table 2. <br /> No contaminants were detected in the samples from either GP-4 or GP-5, and only very minor <br /> contamination was detected in the other borings. Hydrocarbons are rather randomly dispersed in the <br /> other borings: seven samples contained only one hydrocarbon, two samples contained two <br /> hydrocarbons, and only one sample (GP-2-15-16') contained more than two hydrocarbons. The <br /> . results are somewhat difficult to interpret, but the uniformly low concentrations of all analytes are <br /> several orders of magnitude less than the concentrations that were detected in the tank removal <br /> samples, and imply that the magnitude of soil contamination is much Iower than was expected_ <br /> Benzene and TPH concentrations were plotted on Figures 3 and 4 and contoured to illustrate the <br /> interpreted lateral and vertical extent of soil contamination. The data were also plotted on the site <br /> chap and contoured to illustrate the lateral extent in plan view in the depth range from 15 to <br /> approximately 20 feet (Figure 5). The cross sections show that TPH is primarily Iimited to the <br /> upper silty clay bed above a depth of 20 feet and that benzene extends to the base of the underlying <br /> sand bed directly beneath the UST cavity. Laterally, both TPH and benzene are limited to within a <br /> distance of 10-20 feet from the edges of the cavity. <br /> 5.2.2 Total Organic Carbon <br /> Sequoia also analyzed three samples for Total Organic Carbon. This analysis was performed in <br /> order to provide data regarding the availability of food sources for naturally occurring soil bacteria, <br /> as well as to provide data that may be used later if a health risk assessment is performed. <br /> Two of the samples were collected from the sand layer, and one was collected from the underlying <br /> clay bed. Neither of the sand samples contained organic carbon above the detection limit of 50 <br /> mg/kg (Appendix C). In the clay sample, the laboratory reported a concentration of 200 mg/kg <br /> 5 . <br />