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.. TERRA VAC <br /> both the Chevron and Kwikee Foods (Kwikee) sites in the first quarter 1995 (the last <br /> available data for the Kwikee site). The hydrocarbon plume east of Franklin Avenue <br /> should be defined, pending any investigations conducted by the responsible party of the <br /> Kwikee site. Records for the Boulevard Auto site indicate that two USTs were removed <br /> from the site. Records also state that a hydrocarbon sheen was observed on the <br /> groundwater surface in the UST excavation (File search conducted by Gettler-Ryan, Inc., <br /> January 15, 1996). <br /> Available soil analytical data indicate hydrocarbon impact to vadose zone soils. Benzene <br /> concentrations reported in the unsaturated zone range from 230 parts per million (ppm), <br /> detected at a depth of 13 feet, during the UST removal in 1988 to 0.012 ppm in well <br /> MW-3 at a depth of 10 feet. Wells MW-4, MW-5, and MW-9 through MW-12 did not <br /> contain detectable concentrations of benzene. Isoconcentration maps illustrating the <br /> lateral extent of benzene impacted soil are presented as Figures 5 and 6. <br /> Historical depth to water measurements show groundwater fluctuations ranging from a <br /> high of approximately 7.5 feet below grade (151 quarter 1997) to a low of approximately <br /> 23 feet below grade (4`h quarter 1992). Lithology within the unsaturated zone <br /> characterized by fine grain, low conductivity soils, silts and clays, with interbedded <br /> lenses of sands with varying amounts of fine grain soils. Coarser grained, moderately <br /> conductive sands with varying amounts of fine grain soils characterize lithology within <br /> the saturated zone, below a depth of 20 feet. <br /> Well surveys conducted by EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. (EA) and <br /> Gettler-Ryan, Inc. did not identify groundwater receptors within a radius of 1000 feet. As <br /> stated above the leading edge of the dissolved plume appears to have stabilized <br /> approximately 160 feet down-gradient of the site. <br /> _ 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK <br /> As requested by PHS-EHD, additional groundwater quality data will be collected in the <br /> northwest and southwest corners of the site (Figure 7). One additional groundwater <br /> sample will be collected from the center of Franklin Avenue, east of well MW-l. This <br /> sample will be used to evaluate dissolved benzene concentrations between wells MW-1 <br /> and the Kwikee Foods site. Groundwater samples will be collected using push probe <br /> technology. This will complete dissolved benzene plume delineation at the site. <br /> Soil data from previous Chevron investigations indicate that potential hydrocarbon <br /> sources are confined to areas adjacent to the former UST complex. In order to further <br /> define benzene impact to unsaturated soil, considered to be potential inoculation sources, <br /> additional soil samples will have to be collected. This will be accomplished with the use <br /> of a Geoprobe. Each probe will be advanced to a depth equal to historical low water. <br /> Approximate sample locations are illustrated on Figure 7. At a minimum, at least three <br /> Project No. 30-0239 <br /> August 14, 1997 <br /> 2 primed on recycled paper NW <br />