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FUGRO WEST, INC <br /> STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES <br /> RE: SOIL EXCAVATION AND SAMPLING <br /> SOP-2 <br /> Excavation and subsequent soil sampling is performed under the direction of a registered <br /> geologist or civil engineer To reduce the potential for cross-contamination, all excavation <br /> equipment is either steam cleaned or washed prior to use and between excavations Soil samples <br /> for chemical analysis are collected in cleaned, thin-walled brass tubes of varying diameters and <br /> lengths (e g , 6 inches long by 2 inches outside diameter) or other appropriate cleaned sample <br /> container If used, one tube may be set in a 2-inch inside diameter, hand-driven sampler To <br /> reduce the potential for cross-contamination between samples, the sampler is washed in a solution <br /> and doubly rinsed between each sampling event <br /> Small amounts of soils recovered in the sampling tubes are sealed for later screeningwlth either <br /> a portable photoiomzation detector, flame ionization detector, or an explostmeter Soils recovered <br /> from the samplers are also used for description of the excavated materials The sample to be <br /> analyzed is sealed, labeled and refrigerated for delivery, under strict chain-of-custody, to the <br /> laboratory These procedures minimize the potential for cross-contamination and volitilization <br /> of volatile organic compounds prior to chemical analysis <br /> In the event the soil samples cannot be submitted to the analytical laboratory on the same day <br /> they are collected (e g , due to weekends or holidays), the samples are temporarily stored until <br /> the first opportunity for submittal either on ice in a cooler, such as when in the field, or in a <br /> refrigerator at Fugro's office <br /> Fugro West Inc <br /> SOP-2/October 1994 <br />