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0 <br /> 2. PHYSIOGRAPHIC AND HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING <br /> The Great Central Valley of California consists of ancient alluvium ranging in depth of <br /> less than 20 feet near the bedrock highs on the rolling hills to the east and up to over <br /> 20,000 feet below ground surface (bgs) near the center of the basin. These sediments are <br /> comprised of terrestrial, marine and volcanic sediments deposited during periodic <br /> inundation by the Pacific Ocean and erosion of the surrounding mountains respectively. <br /> Sediment deposits beneath the site can be subdivided into consolidated and <br /> unconsolidated deposits, with the consolidated sediments underlie the unconsolidated <br /> sediments. With depth the stratigraphy of unconsolidated sediments consist of Recent <br /> to Pleistocene Age alluvial deposits of the Modesto,Riverbank Formations. Sediments <br /> encountered consist of unconsolidated sands and gravels interbedded with significant <br /> silts and clays. These clays separate the upper sediments from the lower Late Plio- <br /> Pleistocene Age Laguna Formation and the older Eocene to Pliocene Age Mehrten <br /> Formation, these units are poorly consolidated sediments and are differentiated based <br /> on color and sand type. The Laguna formation is typical light brown of color, and the <br /> differentiated characteristic of the Mehrten is the black sands derived from volcanic <br /> detritus. Valley Springs and Ione formation are known to exist below the Mehrten <br /> Formation. The formations have a distinct geologic dip and thickness to the west. The <br /> Laguna and Mehrten Formations ranges from 200 to 1,000 feet in thickness from east to <br /> west. <br /> SITE SPECIFIC SOILS AND GEOLOGY <br /> The Woods Dairy site lies within alluvial deposits with parent materials originating <br /> from sandy granitic alluvium. Based on Web Soil Survey 2.1 through the National <br /> Resource Conservation Service, soils found at the Woods Dairy site are composed of <br /> sandy loam to fine sandy loam. Soil units consist of the Acampo and Devries sandy <br /> loams and the Tokay fine sandy loam. The Acampo sandy loam is a low salinity, <br /> moderately well drained soil with duripan at 40 to 60 inches below surface. The <br /> Devries sandy loam is a low salinity, somewhat poorly drained soil with duripan at 20 <br /> to 40 inches below surface. The Tokay fine sandy loam is a low salinity, well drained <br /> soil with no restrictive features within 80 inches of surface. The Acampo and Devries <br /> sandy loams underlie the majority of the fields, with the Tokay underlying less than <br /> 20%. <br /> Woods Dairy March 1,2010 <br /> 103-27 Monitoring Well Installation Plan 6 Revision 1 <br />