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The following is an itemized list of aboveground petroleum storage act violations that <br /> have not been addressed for MID VALLEY AGRICULTURAL SERVICES, INC as of <br /> July 08, 2019. <br /> Open violations from October 08,2018 inspection <br /> Violation#301 -Failed to amend Plan as necessary. <br /> The SPCC plan lists audible alarms used for overfill prevention on the two 10,000 gallon tanks. Facility personnel <br /> stated that audible alarms were not part of the system. Section 11.2.2 of the SPCC plan states that there are no <br /> manual valves installed on the diked areas of the facility to facilitate drainage.A manual drainage valve was <br /> observed crossing the secondary containment wall of the 10,000 gallon tanks.The drainage valve was observed <br /> near ground level,went across the secondary containment wall and terminated above a drain on the outer side of <br /> the wall. The drain was said to lead to the facilities retention pond.The Spill Prevention, Control, and <br /> Countermeasure(SPCC) Plan must be amended when there is a change in the facility design, construction, <br /> operation, or maintenance that materially affects its potential for a discharge,within 6 months of the change, and <br /> implemented as soon as possible, not later than 6 months following preparation of the amendment. Immediately <br /> make all necessary amendments to the SPCC Plan to accurately represent the procedures and policies currently in <br /> place at the facility. <br /> Violation#602-Plan failed to discuss equivalent environmental protection,if applicable. <br /> The Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure(SPCC)failed to discuss alternative environmental protection <br /> requirements. The SPCC plan makes a claim that the plan along with its implementation by the facility provides <br /> conformance with the requirements under 40 CFR 112. It states that the plan does not deviate from the <br /> requirements of under CFR 112.7(g), (h)(2), (h)(3)and (i)and 40 CFR 112.8. The plan was found to deviate from <br /> section 112.8(c)(6). The SPCC plan does not call for formal inspections to be conducted on the facility tanks and <br /> does not cite an industry standard that would allow this. If the SPCC Plan does not conform to the applicable <br /> requirements,the reasons for nonconformance must be stated and the alternate methods to achieve equivalent <br /> environmental protection must be described in detail in the Plan. Immediately amend the SPCC Plan to include a <br /> discussion of equivalent environmental protection. <br /> Note: Per US EPA guidance, if an owner or operator deviates from applicable industry standards to develop an <br /> integrity testing program,then a PE must certify an environmentally equivalent alternative in the SPCC Plan. The <br /> Plan must provide the reason for the deviation, describe the alternative approach, and explain how it achieves <br /> environmental protection equivalent to the applicable industry standard. <br /> Violation#710-Plan failed to adequately discuss procedures to test or inspect each container for integrity. <br /> The SPCC plan did not take into account the size, configuration, or design of the tank.The SPCC plan does not <br /> reference an industry standard for inspections. Each aboveground container shall be tested and inspected for <br /> integrity on a regular schedule and whenever repairs are made. The qualifications of personnel performing tests <br /> and inspections,frequency and type of testing and inspections that take into account container size, configuration, <br /> and design shall be determined in accordance with industry standards. Examples of these integrity tests include, <br /> but are not limited to: visual inspection, hydrostatic testing, radiographic testing, ultrasonic testing, acoustic <br /> emissions testing, or other systems of non-destructive testing. Comparison records and other records of <br /> inspections and tests must be maintained on site. Immediately conduct the necessary testing and submit a copy of <br /> the test results to the EHD, or provide equivalence as allowed by CFR 112.7(a)(2). <br /> Page 1 of 1 <br />