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s. <br /> f 1 <br /> 5HP75 t Ed C.ti CEIVE <br /> 1-&92 ��SS <br /> Stockton Cleanup Summary �� } 1992 <br /> M North a SUM ENVIK)NMENTAL HEALTH <br /> PERMIT/SERVICES <br /> 'rank Removals <br /> Two 5000 gallon underground gasoline tanks (C-14) and one 1000 gallon <br /> underground waste oil tank (WO-4) was removed on 10-20-86. Calculations by <br /> Neinfelder indicate that approximately 170G gallons of gasoline leaked into the <br /> surrounding soil. 'there was approximately 1700 cubic yards of soil which was excavated <br /> and remediated. Remediation of this soil was completed on 5-17-88. Prior to backfilling <br /> the area excavated, vapor extraction pipes were:ns;alled for future use if needed. Soil <br /> borings installed on 12-9-86 indicated significant TPH contamination to a depth of 35'. <br /> Since this time, sixteen soil borings have been installed to assess the horizontal and <br /> vertical extent of soil contamination. Eight monitoring wells have also been installed to <br /> assess the possibility and extent of any ground water contamination. <br /> One 10000 gallon underground gasoline tank (C-12) was removed on 8-11-88. <br /> There was minor contamination around the tank fill. The tank hole was overexcavated <br /> around the tank fill end and the soil was remediated. Remediation of this soil was <br /> completed on 5-21-88. <br /> Monitoring Wells <br /> Monitoring.wells 1 and 2 were destroyed when contaminated soil was excavated <br /> on 9-31-87. Monitor well 3 is about 35 feet deep and is dry due to a dropping water <br /> table. Monitor webs 4 and 5 are 50 feet deep and are also dry. Monitor wells 9, 10 and <br /> 1 i are currently being used for quarterly sampling of the ground water. frlonitor wells 9, <br /> and 11 have been sampled four times since they were installed on 3-20-90. <br /> Monitoring of the ground water has been complicated by frequent changes in the ground <br /> water gradient. This is probably because of three large neighboring production wells <br /> located within a 3000 foot radius. <br /> Problems <br /> 1. Trace amounts of benzene showed up three times during"the quarterly samplings. <br /> 1 <br /> 2. There are no monitor wells located south of the tans removal area. In order to <br /> prove that their is absolutely no contamination,extending south of the tank removal <br /> area, San Joaquin Public Health Services is requesting that we install a monitor <br /> -- --- — — --------------- wells) on the-south-border of the property:—This-w1•'.I allow-us tr.absolutely-define- --- <br /> the extent of ground water contamination if there is any. r <br /> r. <br /> ai <br />