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' Ms. Linda Turkatte Project OF90-002.03 <br /> January 27, 1993 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Also, in September 1987, wells MW-4 and MW-5 were installed to assess impact <br /> to groundwater, if any, resulting from the release. <br />' Removal of Tank C-12 <br /> Tank C-12, a 10,000-gallon-capacity regular gasoline storage tank, was removed <br />' in August 1988 (see Drawing 1). Two soil samples were collected from the tank <br /> excavation for chemical analysis. One of the samples contained detectable <br /> concentrations of benzene,toluene, ethylbenzene,and xylenes(BTEX). BTEX was <br />' not detected in the other sample, and total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline <br /> (TPHG) was not detected in either sample. In September 1988, the area was <br /> overexcavated. Confirmation soil samples were collected from the bottom of the <br />' excavation. Petroleum hydrocarbons were not detected in any of the confirmation <br /> soil samples collected during this overexcavation activity. <br />' Groundwater Characterization <br /> Groundwater sampling and analysis has been conducted at the site since January <br />' 1987. Following confirmation of groundwater impact,overexcavation activities were <br /> performed in September 1987 (as discussed in preceding sections of this <br /> document) to remove a potential source of additional groundwater impact. <br /> Wells MW-1, MW-2, and MW-3 were installed in January 1987; however, well <br /> MW-1 was damaged and well MW-2 was removed in September 1987 during the <br />' overexcavation of the impacted soil near the former tank complex. Wells RAW-4 <br /> and MW-5 were installed in September 9987. Since that time, the groundwater <br /> elevation has dropped, and these wells, as well as well MW-3, are now dry. To <br />' continue with groundwater monitoring, deeper wells (MW-9, MW-10, and MW-11) <br /> were installed in March 1990. <br />' Concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in wells MW-9, MW-10, and MW-11 <br /> have historically been relatively low or nondetectable. Since March 1990, <br /> 14 samples have been collected from wells MW-9, MW-10, and MW-11. Nine of <br />' the samples did not contain detectable concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons. <br /> Toluene was not detected in any of the other five samples; xylenes were detected <br /> in one of the samples; benzene was detected in two samples; and total petroleum <br />' hydrocarbons were detected in three samples. <br /> Based on groundwater flow directions and gradients reported by Elder Engineering, <br />' Inc., the predominant flow direction of first-encountered groundwater was to the <br /> northwest with a gradient of 0.0075 foot per foot. This information is for the time <br /> period from March 29, 1990, to June 10, 1991. <br />' During the third quarter of 1992, EMCON Associates conducted additional site <br /> characterization activities, including drilling three exploratory soil borings (B92-1 , <br /> MW-12, and MW-13) and converting two of the borings to groundwater monitoring <br /> pjOV9010900020.3az <br />