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August 4, 1992 <br /> Page 2 <br /> • As you will note, toluene at a concentration of 11 .8 micrograms/kilogram <br /> (µg/kg) was reportedly detected in the two soil samples from the <br /> 1 ,000-gallon tank excavation using one analytical method (EPA <br /> Method 8020). The soil samples were analyzed by a second method, U.S. <br /> EPA Method 8260, to confirm the results of the first method. The concen- <br /> tration of toluene was ',slow the detection limit of 5 µg/kg using the second <br /> analytical method. This detection limit is consistent with the detection limit <br /> for toluene recommended in the Tri-Regional Guidelines. <br /> Discussions with staff at Columbia Analytical Services, Inc., a state- <br /> certified analytical laboratory, indicate that discrepancies of this magnitude <br /> in analytical results between the two methods at these low concentrations <br /> should not be unexpected. This is particularly true for soil, given the het- <br /> erogeneous nature of soil. One point that was brought up, however, is the <br /> fact that identical analytical results to one decimal place were reported for <br /> toluene in two different soil samples. Given the heterogeneous nature of <br /> soil, identical analytical results are highly unusual and therefore suspect. <br /> Additionally, it has been EMCON Associates' experience that when there <br /> are detectable concentrations of toluene present due to a release of <br /> petroleum hydrocarbons, there are also detectable concentrations of ben- <br /> 0 <br /> zene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes. Additionally, there would also likely be <br /> detectable concentrations of gasoline. The lack of any of these com- <br /> pounds being detected in the two samples causes us to consider the ana- <br /> lytical results for the toluene to be suspect. <br /> For these reasons, it is EMCON Associates' opinion that greater faith <br /> should be placed on EPA Method 8260 (gas chromatography/mass spec- <br /> troscopy) analytical results than the results of EPA Method 8020 (gas <br /> chromatography/flame ionization detection). In addition, it is EMCON <br /> Associates' opinion that the toluene reported to be present in the soil sam- <br /> ples is not present above the 5 µg/kg detection limit. <br /> A third factor to consider is the low concentration of toluene reportedly <br /> detected. It has been EMCON Associates' experience that in tank excava- <br /> tions where ground water has not nor has risen into the excavation, the <br /> base of an excavation is the location where the highest concentration of <br /> detected compounds will be present. The depth to ground water at the <br /> 103 North E Street site has been reported to be as shallow as approxi- <br /> mately 30 feet below the ground surface and currently is reported to be <br /> approximately 60 feet below the ground surface. Therefore, even if toluene <br /> • <br /> p#V90V900202 <br />