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i KLEINFELDER <br /> A minimum of 48 hours after installation, the piezometers will be developed to remove <br /> fine grained particles from the well bore and to effectively increase the hydraulic radius <br /> of each piezometer. The piezometers will be developed as generally described in <br /> Appendix A.3.2. Surging along the screened interval of the well will be performed to <br /> draw the sediment from the formation into the filter pack and the well and to set the <br /> sand pack. In addition to developing the piezometers until the discharge runs relatively <br /> clear of fines, the discharge will be periodically monitored for pH, temperature, and <br /> specific conductance to record stable groundwater parameters during the development <br /> task. <br /> The development purge water will be discharged to the ground surface in such a <br /> manner as not to allow the discharge to enter any surface water body. <br /> 3.3 PIEZOMETER LOCATION SURVEY <br /> Once the piezometers have been installed, the top of each piezometer will be surveyed <br /> by a professional surveyor so that depth to groundwater measurements in the wells can <br /> be converted to groundwater elevations. The wells will be surveyed relative to a local <br /> benchmark. If a local benchmark is not available near the site, the wells will be surveyed <br /> relative to an onsite, assumed benchmark with an assigned elevation. The piezometers <br /> will be surveyed as described in Appendix A-3.4. <br /> 3.4 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS <br /> Prior to the installation of the pressure transducers/data loggers, a groundwater sample <br /> will be collected from each of the piezometers for the purpose of gathering background <br /> water quality data. The sampling will be conducted as generally described in Appendix A- <br /> 4.2. <br /> Water level measurements will be taken in each of the piezometers prior to the sampling <br /> event in order to calculate the volume of water present in the piezometer casing. Each of <br /> the seven piezometers will be purged of three to five well volumes using a disposable <br /> bailer. The purge water generated during sampling event will be distributed to the ground <br /> surface in such a manner as not to allow the discharge to enter any surface water body. <br /> After purging, a groundwater sample will be collected from each of the piezometers. The <br /> samples will be collected using a disposable bailer and put directly into laboratory <br /> prepared containers. After collection, the seven groundwater samples will be labeled, <br /> logged on a chain-of-custody form and immediately stored in an iced cooler. The <br /> samples will be transported under chain-of-custody control to Kleinfelder's office and then <br /> transported by a courier to a laboratory, certified by the State of California, for the <br /> requested chemical analyses. <br /> 79658.GW11ST07R790/FB:ly Page 5 of 9 <br /> 0 2007 Kleinfelder October 2, 2007 <br />