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Antonia K. Vorster - 3 - 8 March 2011 <br /> • Dermal Contact Hazard: No CHHSL exists for TPH. Region 2 ESL's for an industrial <br /> setting is 500 mg/kg for middle distillates and 1 ,000 mg/kg for residual fuels. These <br /> levels are not exceeded at the site of the 2003 spill. Groundwater ESL for both middle <br /> distillates and residual fuels are 0.64 mg/I. This level is exceeded in most of the storm <br /> water outfalls. <br /> Public Review: None <br /> Summary: <br /> Monitoring of stormwater from 13 culvert outfalls detected either TPHd or TPHmo in every <br /> culvert in every event. The water samples average 0.6 ppm TPHd and 1 .0 ppm TPHmo. <br /> Although the stormwater does contain TPHd that exceeds the secondary MCL of 0.1 mg/I for <br /> TPHd, none of the samples exceeded the U.S. EPA Benchmark Value of 15 mg/I for oil and <br /> grease. <br /> Based on the above evaluation the Central Valley Water Board staff concurs that the residual <br /> concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons from the locomotive diesel spill are not a threat to <br /> water quality, human health, or the biota. <br />