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` In addition, a deeper boring was drilled at location G to evaluate the vertical extent of soil <br /> contamination and to obtain a groundwater sample, if possible. Location G was selected <br /> because it exhibited the highest soil gas concentration. An attempt was made to collect a <br /> groundwater sample from the boring by installing a 1 114-inch diameter perforated pipe in <br /> the boring for about 4 hours. However, the boring did not produce a sufficient amount of <br /> groundwater to obtain a sample. <br /> 4.1 Field Procedures <br /> Precision Sampling, Inc. (PSI) performed the drilling and sampling activities under the <br /> supervision of a the field engineer. PSI used a trailer-mounted hydraulic drive rig to obtain <br /> soil samples. After coring through the asphalt and concrete road surface, the soil was <br /> ,. continuously sampled with a 1 5/8-inch diameter sample barrel. Each boring was <br /> lithologically logged by the field engineer. The lithologic logs are included in Appendix B. <br /> The soil samples were collected in brass tubes, and the ends of each tube were covered with <br /> �. teflon tape. Plastic caps were placed over the ends of each sample tube and were taped to <br /> the tube with duct tape to seal the samples. Each sample tube was labeled with the following <br /> ' information: (1) project name, (2) sample identification, (3) sample location, (4) name of <br /> • the sampler, (5) sample time and date, and (6) requested analyses. The samples were stored <br /> in a chilled cooler and sent to Coast to Coast Analytical Services, Inc., a state-certified <br /> y analytical laboratory located in Benicia, California. The samples were sent under chain of <br /> custody procedures. <br /> Upon the completion of each boring, the borehole was backfilled with hydrated bentonite and <br /> the street surface was repaired with a cold asphalt patch. All downhole drilling and sampling <br /> equipment were steam cleaned prior to drilling, between borings, and after completion of <br /> drilling activities. Soil cuttings from the borings and the rinsate water from the steam <br /> L cleaning activities were contained in sealed drums and stored on the Union Pacific yard on <br /> Eighth Street. <br /> L <br /> 4.2 Analytical_Program <br /> Each soil sample was analyzed by Coast to Coast using EPA Test Method 8260, a gas <br /> L chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GC/MS) procedure. The concentrations of BTEX <br /> compounds, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline and TPH as diesel were <br /> quantified for each sample. The laboratory reports are contained in Appendix C. <br /> 1 4.3 Results <br /> L <br /> As indicated in the lithologic logs for each boring (Appendix B), the near surface soil (< <br /> seven ft bgs) at the site consists primarily of fine grained materials such as silty clay. The <br /> deeper boring SG (Plate B-4) indicates that the sand content increases in the depth interval <br /> from about 10 to 17 feet bgs. <br /> Table 1 presents the analytical results for the soil samples. In general, the results of the soil <br /> samples confirm the soil gas data, which indicate that soil immediately adjacent to and <br /> 1.. r�.�srocK 4 <br /> f <br />