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f.. <br /> The types of structures in the vicinity of the subject property are shown in Figure <br /> 2, Site Vicinity Map (Appendix 1). Immediately to the north of the subject <br /> property is a two-story building occupied by the Stockton Police Department. To <br /> the east is the subject property's parking lot and the Police Department parking <br /> lot. To the south, across Channel Street is Tags Outlet Glass store, which was <br />'t formerly a Goodyear Tire store. To the west, across El Dorado Street, is a State <br /> of California office building. <br /> 3.2 Geology and Hydrology <br /> The subject property lies in the northern part of the San Joaquin Valley Basin, a <br /> structural basin within the northern part of the Great Valley Geomorphic Province <br /> of California. Unconsolidated alluvial sediments of Quaternary age which <br /> underlie San Joaquin Valley consist of clays, silty clays and sands. <br /> Soils encountered in the borings consist of fine-grained sediments such as clay, <br /> silt, silty sand and clayey sand. Vertical and horizontal changes in the soil types <br /> were observed between the soil borings, as indicated in the boring logs (Appendix <br /> VI). The soil within the saturated zone consists of fine grained silty sands with <br /> a few scattered small gravels. <br /> Groundwater in the Stockton vicinity is reported to be shallow, typically <br /> encountered at 33 to 35 feet bgs. CRC encountered groundwater during drilling <br /> at approximately 30 to 36 feet bgs. The piezornetric groundwater surface (static <br /> water level) was measured at 27 to 28 feet bgs in monitoring wells MW1, MW2 <br /> and MW3. The groundwater flow direction at the subject property was <br /> ' determined to be to the southeast. <br /> 3.3 Site History <br /> The history of the land use of the subject property was reviewed by CRC using <br /> Sanborn Maps, historical aerial photographs, city directory listings and Clayton <br /> ' Environmental's Phase I Environmental Assessment report dated February 7, <br /> 1991. The review of the history of land use indicated that the property has been <br /> ' used by auto-related businesses from at least 1939 to 1954. A bank building was <br /> constructed in 1961 by State Savings and Loan Association, which occupied it <br /> until 1982. American Savings & Loan occupied the building from 1984 to 1988. <br /> The subject property is currently used as a school. <br /> 4.0 SUMMARY OF PHASE II FIELD OPERATIONS <br /> 4.1 Geophysical Survey <br /> On October 3, 1995, a geophysical survey was conducted by Norcal, utilizing EM <br /> utility locating and GPR methods. This survey was performed in order to provide <br /> „ CRC Environmentai Risk Management,Inc. Project#21oo-250-2 <br /> American Savings Bank 222 North El Dorado Street <br /> November 3, 1995 Stockton,California <br /> 4 <br />