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• RECEIVED <br /> EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 0 C T <br /> 2 6 1992 <br /> FIRESTONE PROPERTY AT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH <br /> 400 N. EL DORADO, STOCKTON,_ CA PERMIT/SERVICES <br /> Parcel # 139-070-09-8 <br /> To Whom It May Concern: <br /> With regards to the site history and the current disposition <br /> of the assessment and remediation of the subject facility, please <br /> review the following; <br /> The subject site has been used as a retail oil and gasoline <br /> facility dating back to the 1920 ' s . Most recently it has been <br /> utilized as a Firestone retail tire and automotive store. <br /> On April 25th, 1991 , twelve underground storage tanks were <br /> removed under the auspices of the Public Health Services , and the <br /> Stockton Fire Department. Soil samples were taken at the time of <br /> the tank removals , and analyzed according to San Joaquin County <br /> Public Health Services guidelines . At two of the tank locations <br /> (tank 5 and tank 16 ) , analytical results from the initial soil <br /> samples showed the presence of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) <br /> to be above the County' s Recommended Action Levels (RAL ' s) , <br /> therefore additional assessment and remedial work was proposed and <br /> prosecuted. <br /> In the area of the previously existing tank #16 , analytical <br /> results found TPH in the concentration of 430 mg/kg, as motor oil . <br /> Since motor oil typically does not migrate with the same rapidity <br /> as gasoline , it was proposed to perform additional excavation on <br /> the order of another two or three feet vertically, to visually <br /> inspect the excavation, and to collect additional samples . The <br /> proposed overexcavation was carried out on , and was <br /> effective in removing all of the above action level soils . <br /> Analyses performed on samples collected from the excavation after <br /> the removal of the impacted soils confirmed this . <br /> In the area of the previously existing tank #5 , initial <br /> analytical results found TPH in the following concentrations; 2200 <br /> mg/kg as gasoline and 1000 mg/kg as motor oil . Additionally, BTXE <br /> (benzene/toluene/ethylbenzene/xylene ) , chemical breakdown <br /> constituents of gasoline were also found, with a high concentration <br /> of total xylenes of 16 mg/kg. Analyses for metals detected the <br /> following concentrations ; Cadmium - 1 . 5 mg/kg, Chromium - 22 . 5 <br /> mg/kg, Nickel -- 22. 2 mg/kg, Lead - 12 . 9 mg/kg, and Zinc - 43 . 4 <br /> mg/kg. Two soil borings to a maximum depth of 401 , in the area of <br /> the previously existing tank #5 were advanced on September 10 , <br /> 1991 . Soil samples were taken during the boring proceedings , and <br />