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SECONDARY CONTAINMENT <br /> 40 CFR 112.7(a)(3)(iii) <br /> Tanks A and B, with a total Capacity of 20,000 gallons, as shown in the table for Product and Storage <br /> Capacity are stored within a double wall tank, with a capacity of 22,000 gallons, which is sufficient to <br /> contain the 20,000 gallons of product, plus 10% additional volume. <br /> Tanks C and D, with a total Capacity of 20,000 gallons, as shown in the table for Product and Storage <br /> Capacity are stored within a double wall tank, with a capacity of 22,000 gallons, which is sufficient to <br /> contain the 20,000 gallons of product, plus 10%additional volume. <br /> Any release from the tanks will be contained in the secondary containment area. <br /> Portable containers will be checked on a weekly basis to ensure that the secondary containment lid is <br /> secure and to inspect for any liquid within the secondary containment that would prove to be a possible <br /> leak within the primary container. If liquid is found, it should be tested and if found to be hazardous the <br /> container will be removed by a licensed hazardous waste hauler. The secondary containment will be <br /> cleaned with sorbent material, which will be disposed of within a hazardous waste container. <br /> COUNTERMEASURES FOR DISCHARGE DISCOVERY, RESPONSE AND CLEANUP <br /> 40 CFR 112.7(a)(3)(iv) & (v) <br /> Small Spills: For small spills, facility personnel have been trained in the use and proper disposal of <br /> "oily-dry" litter and absorbent pads. Both of these are stored in the storage area in the manager's office of <br /> the Convenient Store, <br /> Large Spills: Upon discovery of a spill or leak, facility personnel will: <br /> 1. Immediately contact/notify facility management or supervisor. <br /> 2. If the source or cause of the spill/discharge can be safely shut off, personnel will immediately <br /> attempt to do so. <br /> 3. Management/supervision will determine if the spill/discharge poses a threat to health, safety, <br /> property or the environment(including any spill entering a storm drain, off site waterway, or <br /> leaving the property)-and will immediately notify the CUPA, California EMA and the <br /> National Response Center. 9-1-1 will be called as necessary. <br /> 4. If the spill/discharge can be safely cleaned up by facility personnel using available spill <br /> supplies-they will do so (in accordance with the facility's Business Emergency Plan). <br /> 5. In all cases-if the spill/discharge may threaten a storm drain on site or threaten to leave the <br /> property, employees will attempt to place sorbents in the spill path or around drains to block <br /> the spill-if it can be done safely. <br /> G. The facility's hazardous waste contractor will be called to assist in clean up if necessary. <br /> 7. All collected spill residues will be properly disposed of as a hazardous waste. <br /> 7 <br />