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McBillin Real Estate Investment - 2 - 6 September 2016 ' <br /> 2154 S. EI Dorado Street <br /> Stockton, San Joaquin County <br /> transition seal of dry granular bentonite above the sand pack. Please include these <br /> changes in a Work Plan Second Addendum (Second Addendum), due <br /> 21 October 2016. <br /> 2. The soil gas wells are currently proposed to be constructed with the vapor probe set <br /> at the bottom of the borehole between 4.5 and 5 feet below ground surface (bgs), <br /> with sand from 4 to 5 feet bgs. DTSC guidance indicates that soil gas samples <br /> should be collected no shallower than 5 feet, and the vapor probe should be centered <br /> vertically in the middle of the sand pack, with at least six inches of sand above and <br /> below the probe. As such, the top of the sand pack should be at 5 feet bgs. Please <br /> include these changes in the Second Addendum, due 31 October 2016. <br /> 3. Currently two water-bearing zones have been monitored as part of this case: shallow <br /> groundwater with wells screened between 20-45 feet below the ground surface (bgs), <br /> and deep groundwater with wells screened between 90-95 feet bgs. However, an <br /> intermediate groundwater zone is present and is described as a wet/saturated sandy <br /> zone observed between 55-65 feet bgs during drilling of deep Site wells and borings. <br /> No groundwater samples have been collected from this depth. The shallow <br /> groundwater flow direction is generally toward the east, though no deep groundwater <br /> flow direction can determined from the-single existing deep well. <br /> In the Monitoring Well Work Plan, AGE proposes the installation of two deep <br /> monitoring wells (MW-11 and MW-12) down-gradient, to the east of the Site property. <br /> MW-11 is proposed to be located in the gravel road on the eastern edge of the <br /> property, approximately 150 feet from the Site source area, and is to be screened <br /> from 90-100 feet bgs. MW-12 is proposed to be located approximately600 feet east <br /> of the Site source area, and is to be screened from 90-100 feet bgs. While I concur <br /> with the proposed installation of these wells, an accompanying shallow well within 10 <br /> feet of each of these deep wells is needed. <br /> A shallow well near proposed well MWA 1 is needed to delineate shallow <br /> groundwater impacts between two of the highest concentrations wells (MW-3 and <br /> MW-4), which are separated laterally by a distance of approximately 145 feet. <br /> Existing down-gradient shallow wells MW-8 and MW-9 are approximately 300 feet <br /> southeast and 625 feet northeast of the Site source area. However, there is an <br /> approximately 480-foot lateral distance between these two wells. As proposed <br /> MW-12 is in between MW-8 and MW-9, a shallow well in this vicinity is needed to <br /> delineate shallow groundwater between these two wells. <br /> MW-1 (screened 90-95 feet bgs) appears to delineate petroleum impacts at depth <br /> under the source area, with recent concentrations of benzene below the Water <br /> Quality Objective of 1 ug/L (the release at this Site appears to predate MTBE). <br /> However, hydrocarbon impacts in the intermediate water-bearing zone (between 45 <br /> and 90 feet bgs has not been assessed. The intermediate water-bearing zone should <br /> be investigated. <br />