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LEP Bank of Stockton - Cutter Lumber Site Page 6 <br /> Winter Quarter Groundwater Monitoring Report <br /> Project No. 102.2 <br /> 20 April 1999 <br /> 3.0 DISCUSSION <br /> 3.1 Discussion of Data <br /> `r Field and analytical data results are summarized in Tables 1 and 2 and <br /> illustrated in Figures 3 through 7. <br /> The maps (figures 3,4 & 5) of groundwater gradient suggest that the flow of <br /> groundwater is to the east by northeast. The water table has risen about two <br /> ,.. feet since the monitoring event in December of 1998 and it is less than one foot <br /> lower since the monitoring wells MW-6 through MW-11 were constructed in <br /> March of 1998. The direction and gradient of flow have remained generally <br /> �• consistent over this entire time. The slight variation of depth to groundwater <br /> between MW-8A and MW-8B suggests the deeper well, which is completed <br /> opposite a permeable sand layer, may be responding more quickly to water <br /> '-' recharge from an off-site recharge area. <br /> The analytic data suggest that contaminant levels have generally been <br /> decreasing, although samples from MW-8B, the nearest well down-gradient from <br /> Nampo the point of release does not appear to follow this pattern. The presence of <br /> gasoline hydrocarbons in the deeper,r g y p groundwater as determined by well MW-8A <br /> continues to persist, although at diminishing levels. The lateral and vertical <br /> extent of this deep plume has not yet been fully defined. <br /> Detectable levels of gasoline range hydrocarbons and BTEX compounds continue <br /> to persist in the water samples from all wells in the northerly release area <br /> �• except in MW-10. A review of the analytical data presented in Table 2 suggests <br /> the contaminant levels have generally been decreasing since the wells were <br /> originally constructed. In most wells the measured contaminant levels have <br /> L. decreased by a factor of at least two since the initial round of sampling. One <br /> exception to this is MW-11, the most distant well from the point of release, <br /> r`. <br /> which continues to exhibit low, but persistent contaminant levels. <br /> 3.2 Future Work Schedule <br /> Based on the data collected during the course of this investigation, Geo-Phase <br /> Environmental Inc. anticipates the following work be completed in the future. <br /> La <br /> Quarterly groundwater monitoring and sampling should continue. The monthly <br /> depth to groundwater check will be suspended. The San Joaquin County <br /> ti• PHS/EHD has issued a directive to submit a Work Plan to further characterize <br /> the vertical and lateral extent of the deeper portions of the hydrocarbon <br /> +� 2937 Veneman Ave.,#B240 Geo-Phase Environmental Inc. Phone (209) 569-0293 <br /> Modesto, CA 95356 Fax (209)569-0293 <br />