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' Bank of Stockton- Cutter number Site Page 6 <br /> Summer Quarter Groundwater Monitoring Report <br />' Project No 102 2 <br /> September 30, 1998 <br /> I3.0 DISCUSSION <br />' 3.1 Discussion of Data <br /> Field and analytical data results are summarized in Tables 1 and 2 and <br />' illustrated in Figures 3 through 7 <br /> The maps (figures 3,4 & 5) of groundwater gradient suggest that the flow of <br />' groundwater is to the east by northeast The water table has risen about 56 feet <br /> since the monitoring report, but the direction and gradient of flow has remained <br /> consistent The comparison of depth to groundwater data between MW-8A and <br /> I MW-8B suggests the deeper well which is completed opposite a permeable sand <br /> layer, may be responding more quickly to water recharge from an off-site <br /> recharge area <br />' The analytic data from peripheral wells suggest that the down gradient limit of <br /> the gasoline plume has been defined The up-gradient limits of the plume have <br /> some remaining uncertainty however <br /> . Low, but detectable levels of gasoline range hydrocarbons and BTEX compounds <br /> continue to persist in the water samples from the deep well, MW-8A This <br /> suggests that a vertical gradient may have transported gasoline i ange <br /> hydrocarbons to a depth of 80 feet or more <br /> No diesel range petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in any of the <br /> groundwater samples This strengthens our prior conclusion that diesel range <br /> hydrocarbons which were apparently released in the vicinity of the former "oil <br /> supply" building have not had any substantial impact to the groundwater <br /> 32 Future Work Schedule <br /> Based on the data collected during the course of this investigation, Geo-Phase <br /> Environmental Inc anticipates the following work be completed in the future <br /> Quarterly groundwater monitoring and sampling should continue The depth to <br /> groundwater should be checked monthly for at least the next two quarters It is <br /> I now possible to consider what additional steps may be needed to conduct a <br /> feasibility study for a remedial action program <br /> 2937 Veneman Ave ,#B240 Geo-Phase Environmental Inc Phone (209) 569-0293 <br /> Modesto, CA 95356 Fax (209) 569-0293 <br />