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Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring Report, October-December 1993 January 14, 1994 <br /> Manna Pro, 4004 South El Dorado, Stockton, CA 2 <br /> From January 1 to March 31, 1994, the following work is expected to be completed <br /> ■ Conduct quarterly monitoring and sampling of wells in January 1994, and <br /> ■ Submit a report detailing the installation of the groundwater extraction well and three <br /> observation wells installed In September 1993 Also, the report will summarize the <br /> data acquired during the 72-hour aquifer test and the vacuum-enhanced pumping <br /> test conducted in October 1993 <br /> Groundwater Monitoring Data <br /> On October 27, 1993, 10 existing groundwater monitoring wells were monitored for depth to water <br /> (DTW) The DTW measurements were taken from surveyed points at the top of each well casing, <br /> which are referenced to an arbitrary datum (designated as 100 feet) DTW measurements were also <br /> taken from the groundwater extraction well (EW-1) and the three observation wells (OB-1, OB-2, and <br /> OB-3) installed in September 1993 Because the top of casing elevations for the four wells has not <br /> been surveyed in at this time, the groundwater elevation could not be calculated and subsequently <br /> used in the construction of the potentiometric surface map (Attachment 1, Figure 1) The <br /> groundwater elevations this quarter decreased an average of 1 54 feet since the July 1993 elevations <br /> were measured The results of groundwater monitoring are included in Attachment 2, Table 1 A <br /> potentiometric surface map, as interpreted from the data in Table 1, is presented in Figure 1 As <br /> shown in Figure 1, the average groundwater gradient in the site vicinity is approximately 0 009 <br /> foot/foot apparently radiating from the area of MW-1 <br /> Groundwater Quality Data <br /> The 10 monitoring wells were sampled on October 27, 1993 Before sampling, the static water in the <br /> well was purged to collect samples representative of aquifer conditions The pH, temperature, and <br /> conductivity were measured with a YSI 3650 meter during purging Four well-casing volumes of <br /> groundwater were purged from wells MW-7, MW-8, MW-9, and MW-10 Wells MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, <br /> MW-4, MW-5, MW-6 bailed dry after purging less than 4 well-casing volumes of groundwater The <br /> wells were allowed to recharge to approximately 80 percent of static water level before samples <br /> were collected <br /> Samples were collected using a Teflon' bailer and placed into sample containers supplied by the <br /> laboratory performing the analyses Equipment was cleaned after each sample was collected, using <br /> an Alconoe and water solution and rinsed with de-ionized water A duplicate sample was <br /> collected from MW-10 for quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) Samples were labeled, placed <br /> in an ice-chilled cooler, and transported to GTEL Environmental laboratories, Inc in Concord, <br /> California, accompanied at all times by a chain-of-custody record <br /> 2819RO43 070 <br /> GROUNDWATER <br /> TECHNOLOGY, INC <br />