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' Former Manna Pro Site Page 4 <br /> Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring Report <br />' Project No 207 2 <br /> March 2, 2000 <br />' Extreme care was exercised while collecting samples to prevent agitation of the <br /> water contained in the bailer Water samples were transferred from the bailer <br />' into 1 liter amber glass bottles and 40 ml VOA vials preserved with hydrochloric <br /> (provided by the analytical laboratory) All samples were checked for head space <br /> bubbles, labeled, inserted into foam holders and placed in an ice chest cooled to <br />' 4°C for transport to the laboratory <br /> Gasoline contaminated purge & rinseate water generated during the activities <br /> described above was stored in poly drums located on the site American Valley <br /> Environmental will remove this material prior to the next scheduled depth to <br /> water measuring event <br />' 2.2 Groundwater Sample Analyses <br />' Groundwater samples were analyzed as follows <br /> • Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G) by EPA method 8015(m) <br /> I • Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Diesel (TPH as Gasoline) by EPA method <br /> 3030/8015(m) <br />'• • Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylene (BTEX) by EPA method 602 <br /> The detection limits are included in the summary analytical data table (Table 1) <br />' • Three of the samples were also tested for the presence of 1,2 Dichoroethane <br /> (DCA) by EPA method 8260 The detection limit for this chemical is 5 ppb <br />' Laboratory data sheets show that all but one of the bailer blanks as well as the <br /> trip blank contained a trace of xylene, generally at a concentration of 0 6 ppb <br /> The consistency of the blank sample results in conjunction with clean sample <br /> from MW-9 suggest that these blank sample results do not reflect on the <br /> cleanliness of the sampling bailer, but rather are an artifact of the water used to <br /> make up the blanks The sampling technician reported that all the blank <br /> samples were from a dug of distilled water purchased at a retail outlet <br />' Detectable levels of gasoline range petroleum hydrocarbons and/or BTEX <br /> compounds were found in water samples from eight of the nine wells which were <br />' sampled None of the three samples (MW-1, MW-2, or MW-6) tested for the <br /> chlorinated hydrocarbon 1,2 DCA contained detectable levels of that chemical <br /> The groundwater sample from monitoring well MW-8 was reported as containing <br /> 4480 ppb of gasoline range Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) The <br /> laboratory data sheet is annotated to show that chromatogram is "not typical" of <br /> 2937 Veneman Ave,#B240 Geo-Phase Environmental Inc Phone (209) 569-0293 <br /> Modesto, CA 95356 Fax (209) 569-0293 <br />