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Addendum to Corrective Action Plan Page 9 <br /> • Former Manna Pro Site <br />' Project No 1011 <br /> • August 12,2002 <br />' 4.2.1 Soil Vapor Extraction System Start Up <br /> On the first day of system operation, two vapor extraction wells will be placed in service, <br /> and an air sample will be collected from both the influent and effluent sides of the <br /> treatment system to satisfy an Air Pollution Control District permit condition Initially, <br /> the combined vapor extraction rate will be held to less that 150 scfm Over a period of <br /> several weeks, the rate will be increased to about 400 scfm, and one to two additional <br /> extraction wells will be placed online A manifold connecting the wells to the surface <br />' equipment will be equipped with ball valves so that the extraction rates for each well can <br /> be controlled and balanced with the other wells <br /> 1 4.2.2 Air Sparge System Start Up <br /> The air sparge compressors will be started on the first day of system operation The rate <br />' of air injection will be monitored and adjusted so the each sparge well is injection <br /> approximately the same air volume Initially the sparge rate will be geld to less than 3 <br /> scfm, per well, and then gradually increased to at lease 5 scfm <br /> 4.3 Remedial System Monitoring <br /> lie The system will be monitored during the course of the initial operation This will include <br /> making depth to groundwater measurements, airflow and pressure measurements, and <br /> vapor readings with a portable ionization detector(PID) as described below Periodically, <br /> field measurements of oxygen in the groundwater will also be taken The system will be <br /> monitored on a daily basis for the first three days of operation After the initial three days <br /> of operation, the system will be monitored twice a week (or if field and equipment <br /> conditions seem stable, less frequently) In no event will the system be checked and <br /> serviced on less than weekly intervals <br />' 4.3.1 Process/Effluent Air Monitoring <br />' Airflow measurements will be made during any flow adjustment to the vapor extraction <br /> system A digital manometer will be inserted in to the vapor extraction sample port to <br /> measure the rate of vapor extraction This method will be used to measure both the total <br />' extraction rate and the rate from each well, so that the system can be balanced Air <br /> samples will be collected at the start up of the system and at various times during the <br /> operation of the system At least once each week, PID readings will be taken from vapor <br /> samples collected at the sample port downstream of each carbon filter as well as upstream <br /> of the vapor extraction dilute air valve Air samples for laboratory analysis will be <br /> collected from these same points on a monthly basis (The air sample collection and <br /> fanalysis procedure is addressed in Section 5 3 <br /> 2937 Veneman Ave , #B240 Geo-Phase Environmental Inc Phone(209) 569-0293 <br /> Modesto, CA 95356 Fax(209) 569-0295 <br />