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Report-F,st Phase Remedial System Page 15 <br />' Former Manna Pro Site <br /> Project No 207 3 <br /> June 18,2002 <br />' 6.0 SUMMARY OF SYSTEM PERFORMANCE RESULTS <br />' 6.1 Discussion of Soil Vapor Extraction Field Work <br /> The performance of the vapor extraction system was evaluated by using the system <br />' monitoring data to calculate the total vapor extracted on a weekly basis and using the PID <br /> readings corrected with lab analytic data (see Section 6 1 1) to calculate the total mass of <br /> gasoline hydrocarbons removed on a weekly basis A summary of these calculations is <br />' attached as Summary Table 4 <br /> 6.1.1 PID Calibration with Lab Data <br />' Since air samples were subjected to laboratory basis on a monthly basis, it was necessary <br /> to develop an empirical correlation between lab results (measured as mg/L) and PID <br />' readings (measured as ppm) The PID device actually measures ionization potential of <br /> molecules passing through the device, and does not directly measure hydrocarbon <br /> concentration To further complicate matters, the PID is calibrated to a standard gas that <br />' is materially different than the gasoline vapor actually being tested To convert the raw <br /> FID readings from qualitative information to usable quantitative readings, a log-normal <br /> scatter plot (Cross-Plot 1) was generated between PID readings and laboratory data for <br /> lie the points where both types of information were available The result shows a clear <br /> relationship between the two data sets The software used to generate the cross-plot (MS- <br /> Excel) was also used to generate a best-fit correlation curve and to derive an empirical <br /> equation for the correlation As shown in the figure, there is a very good exponential <br /> correlation and the empirical formula for the equation can be re-stated as <br /> PID—634 18 <br /> 32702 <br /> mg/L= e <br />' Where PID is the raw reading taken in the field in ppm <br /> And mg/L is the reading corrected to absolute concentration <br /> 2937 Veneman Ave,#B240 Geo-Phase Environmental Inc Phone(209)569-0293 <br /> Modesto,CA 95356 Fax(209)569-0295 <br />