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3.0 DISCUSSION <br />' 3.1 Discussion of Data <br />' Field and analytical data results are summarized in Summary Table 1 and <br /> illustrated in Figures 3 through 5 <br /> The map of groundwater gradient (Figure 3) suggests that the flow direction and <br /> gradient of groundwater is consistent with historical. measurements <br />' The water table has risen about 2 feet since the last monitoring event in <br /> December <br /> Laboratory analytical data suggest that the vapor extraction / sparge system <br /> operation has resulted in a material reduction to dissolved phase petroleum <br /> hydrocarbons The first apparent impact was noted from the sample from MW-6 <br />' in the December monitoring event At that time the MW-6 sample contained <br /> 511 ppb of TPH This was a record low, and compares to the initial TPH <br />' concentration of 120,000 ppb and 2,200 ppb in the March 2003 quarterly event <br /> The MW-6 sample from this current event contained 737 ppb of TPH This is <br /> marginally higher than in December but still near the record low value The <br />' sample from MW-2 yielded the record low concentration of 17,300 ppb in this <br /> event as compared 26,100 ppb a year ago and the initial concentration of 62,000 <br /> ppb The sample from MW-3 yielded a sample with the record low of 1,720 ppb <br /> of TPH as compared 17,700 ppb in December and an initial concentration of <br /> 51,000 ppb The only monitoring well with significant concentrations of <br /> petroleum hydrocarbons that has not yet shown a response to the remedial <br />' program is MW-1 <br /> 3.2 Future Work Schedule <br />' Quarterly groundwater monitoring will continue The vapor extraction / air <br /> sparge remedial system is now in operation and will continue in operation for <br />' the foreseeable future <br /> 1 <br /> 2937 Veneman Ave ,#B240 Geo-Phase Environmental Inc. Phone (209) 569-0293 <br /> Modesto, GA 95356 Fax (209) 569-0293 <br />