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<br /> c - } £ -4: -' -- - -'-ate. . .x., M. ms's• ,-y. .. '� _ ;
<br /> {_ Pr_eliminary Investigation and Evaluation Report - ,Y
<br /> n
<br /> u ,� . ' .'$�,. : ALLIANCE GAS STATION T- - g F ?- ,
<br /> � a F 7 8750 South El Dorado Street, French Camp, California £�-- � y
<br /> = W� _
<br /> .�.�., i - �� - �..tiyf 'a,"-s4 a ,�'�F, ...x- a_7,„ Y`4. w� ',;,`, Y�-'Sr y.w.•--
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<br /> i,`- �- 1 0 j�INTRODUCTION Zt�« -xnlw �-f 3 � � s s _- ` 3 A11
<br /> ,�
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<br /> J.
<br /> y< � ��g _
<br /> . At the request_of:Mr Pliihp Lehrman,of Alliance7Gas Station,Advanced GeoEnv�ronmentaI'Jn - .
<br /> _ � , '
<br /> (AGE) has prepared thls Prelimtnary lnvestigataon and Evaluation Report (PIER) fozi r:8750 South G , s
<br /> .
<br /> _ El Dora Street;_French Camp,California The scope of wo&k;mcluded_advancement of three soil ;
<br /> probe11
<br /> borings and the collection and'an-94:aly' of s1.oil and ground water samples The loP atfon of.the
<br /> site and its surroundings-are illustrated on-Figure 1 Ma1or features and soil boring locations on the ;,� , r V'I
<br /> a-- -L-.. _ _ -- z' - -" r -+fryer ?. {` c �
<br /> site are illustrated.on Fi e 2 - - r 5�
<br /> Cr11y� a .c,• E. �.: rtG- y }_ tea.- ,, -
<br /> n^e^' .J _ ems. -` c 11 I _
<br /> x -4,-,L,- , __: r — I - �11. --.... s.' - "' _. -� - -- #- ' 'tea r Y ' �T ,�
<br /> Thislmvestigation was ;performed in accordance with-guidelines_issued by the Central Valley k-�
<br /> , r. Regional Water QualityContral Board(CVRWQCB}for the investigation of underground stora1.ge '
<br /> xJ'^ ''T� _ - - ;-a - -�-s a: - _ r- ; . .ma k-. '3E -`-r_^_Y.:.- - - -.4 -.-~ � -ti
<br /> . tank J7ST Sites . "� r � ,� � .� _
<br /> m i k
<br /> - 2 . ± `BACKGROUND ,e ;� > '-,� � : .:,- - r 3 .
<br /> Z" � ,g } ' R
<br />_.--L . . ,r., -I-�C,- _.; . . - I . . . � I---- .--.� ...�_W�, _t��A! :- .717 �� .�._.�:_.. , ,I,-, - .;�
<br /> Thevisite ism located on_the southeast cornEr ofLynn Avenuexartd South El Dorado"Street,m an ,k.
<br /> x M.,� indiistriallagncultural area of FrenchCamp,`California(Figure 2) The site operated as=affuel and# �=
<br /> 11; �"-,�r_"'=k service station from approxlrrlately 1963 to approximately 1985 The site has been vacant since 1985 r r.� `'
<br /> - and a one story building Is the only remaining structure on the site
<br /> r'Y*- x
<br /> r � 3 � �
<br /> r_;_.L =-� 2 1 'k �UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL � ''
<br /> . ; .�
<br />>� -'On.2'9-A*, st:1989,orie'10,000-gallondiesel UST(TAl. two.5,000=gallon(TA2,and TA_3)and=one x
<br /> y '' t _ a _ _ - 4 . .
<br /> r.
<br /> 3,000-gallon;(TA4)fuel-USfs and-one 250`galloon waste:oil(TAS)US_T were removed from the situ E3 _ '=
<br /> ._,
<br /> by AAA Tank Removal°Inc -Product lines:were also removed"during excavatlon of the USTs The M
<br /> L �-
<br /> _ m4 _approximate location of the"former USTs is shown on Figure 2 -s� =
<br /> � - �;
<br /> Dunng':theyUST removals, two sorl samples eack were collected.fxom the�baseof the excavations
<br /> . ir . s
<br /> of the fuel.and diesel LJSTs, one-soil sartipieFwT. as.collected firom the base of the excavation of the.:,::
<br /> w.ist&-' it UST;and-six soil samples were collected between�2 '5Ffeet and 5:feet below surface.grade_-,. ' .; -
<br /> --ms s (bsg)�beneath:the product lines Total extractable$petroleuir-hydrocarbons_were reported In one ofd_ _',
<br />� " _.,
<br /> _ _IH
<br /> r theaoil samples collected beneath the:1.0;000 gallon diesel UST,the_sofl sample collected beneath .A_x $ .: .
<br /> Y t
<br /> 3-4he waste'oil UST_ and from"samele.T5M3�collected beneath the projr,duct lines, at_conceritrations as ¢ x
<br /> K .� h� hFas 76'milli & ams- er kilo arri- m Toluene-_was dI. etected in one soil sam Ie collected
<br /> _- beneath:each.=fue1 UST (TA1; TA2,,�TA3 andTA4}:at concentrations:as high~as 0005 mg/kg
<br /> k Analytical data from the UST removal sampleslare presented in Table 1 r E , -
<br /> S
<br /> " , r - w�v . > "� _ Advanced GeoEnvironmental,Inc
<br /> .. x 1s i r
<br /> c d'. - _ - YY �, .. _ _ is y- i. " ate �. r k: "",` - _-`. _. .;11. S-.
<br /> �' - - S, } � ^_ .^,+moi �„"�..•._X .. :. �...; F� ,.- �s +' } _y .,, L�- }
<br /> `_.s- ••. < fir.• a r_- .` aar. `_.s�s. -'' i - f'^ 4Y ,,
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