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11 August 1997 �S <br /> AGE-NC Project No. 95-0118 <br /> Page 4 of 9 <br /> VJ <br /> 3.1.1. PROPOSED SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION WELLS ,, <br /> Installation of one additional SVE,well is proposed northwest of monitoring well MW-2.This well <br /> will extract from within the area of impacted groundwater, Additionally, monitoring wells MW-2, <br /> MW-3 and MW-5 can be utilized in the SVE network. Installation of the additional SVE wells will <br /> be completed utilizing a truck mounted, hollow stem drill rig and 8-inch hollow stem augers. <br /> During drilling activities, soil borings will be advanced to depths of approximately 35 feet bsg. All <br /> hollow stem augers will be steam-cleaned prior to advancement in each borehole. Cuttings generated <br /> during drilling activities will be stockpiled on-site; rinseate will be containerized in.properly labeled <br /> 55-gallon drums, and stored on-site. <br /> Soil'borings will be completed as 2-inch diameter SVE wells using 20 feet of 0.020-inch screened <br /> PVC casing from 15 to 35 feet bsg. By completing borings near ground water, the vapor extraction <br /> wells may also be used for monitoring if the ground water surface rises above 35 feet bsg. Lonestar <br /> 43 sand will be utilized as a filter pack in and slightly above the-screened interval. Bentonite chips <br /> will be utilized as a seal above the filter pack, and the swells will be grouted to the surface with <br /> Portland cement, Proposed well locations are depicted on Figure 2. The proposed soil vapor <br /> extraction well construction diagram is included as Figures 4 - Vapor Well Design. <br /> 3.1.2. PROPOSED SYSTEM LOCATION AND DESIGN <br /> The location of the VES unit is proposed at the western edge of the maintenance building at the site, <br /> under the awning. This location will place the unit near the electrical outlets and close to the SVE <br /> network. The awning will also protect the extraction unit from weather. A gated enclosure will <br /> secure the VES unit. <br /> Two-inch diameter.PVC piping will be installed underground from the proposed SVE well head <br /> locations to a vapor dropout drum. The PVC piping will carry hydrocarbon vapor from the SVE well <br /> heads to the VES unit.A flow control valve will be installed in each line so that vapors can be drawn <br /> from each well independently. <br /> 3.1.3. PROPOSED SUPPLEMENTAL FUEL <br /> Supplemental fuel is necessary for the operation of the selected VES unit. An automatic air dilution <br /> module adjusts for the optimal'combustion parameters by adding oxygen and/or supplemental fuel. <br /> The existing natural gas meter for the site is located at the east corner of maintenance building <br /> on-site. A dedicated gas line could be installed by representative of P.G. & E. that would connect <br /> Advanced GcoEnvironmental,Inc. <br /> i <br /> i <br /> I <br />