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�,. . 4 May 1995 <br /> AGE-NC-95-0118. <br /> Page-4 of 4 <br /> 5.2. HYDROCARBON-IMPACTED GROUND WATER <br /> The ground water.flow direction has rotated frons northeast to southwest and MW-3 is now <br /> downgradient of the former UST excavation. It slfould be noted, however, that the gradient <br /> ' is minimal and that the flow direction under such conditions can easily be influenced by <br /> unusually high precipitation. This condition may have caused abundant localized recharge. <br /> Since the last iuotritoring period in December 1994, concentrations of petroleum <br /> hydrocarbon have increased. This phenomenon is probably attributed to the rise in ground <br /> water relative to the last monitoring period, resulting in additional submersion of <br /> hydrocarbon-impacted soils. <br /> := The lateral extent of the impacted ground water has not been fully defined at the site. <br /> GeoAudit has re_conimended the installation of two additional monitoring wells in the <br /> Interiin Work Plan already prepared. AGE concurs with that .reconxniendation. However, <br /> i _an addendum concerning the proposed locations of the moiutoring wells will have to be <br /> prepared after a consistent ground water flow direction has been established. AGE is <br /> r;- currently proceeding with monthly monitoring of the ground water wells to ascertain a <br /> prevailing groundwater flow direction: <br /> 6.0. LIMITATIONS <br /> Our professional services were performed using that degree of care and skill orcliiiarily <br /> i exercised by environmental consultants practicing iii this of similar localities. The findings <br /> were based upon analytical results provided by au iudependent laboratory. Evaluations of <br /> the geologic/hydr'ogeologic conditions at the site for the purpose of this investicFation are <br /> ' made frons a limited number of available clata points (i.e. monitoring wells, soil saanples) . <br /> and subsurface conditions may vary away from these data points. No other warranty, <br /> expresses] or implied, is made as to the professional recommendations contaizred in this <br /> report. <br /> ; i <br />