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u Mr. Steve Sasson <br /> Village West Workplan Addendum 11 <br /> June 14, 1995 <br /> Based on these premises, the SJCEHD has required that a monitoring well (proposed MW-7) be <br /> completed north of MW-6 and that a well be completed to the east of the backfilled tank pit <br /> (proposed MW-8). Hydropunch ground-water samples will be collected and rushed to the <br /> assigned laboratory for analysis. Monitoring wells will be completed only if and when the <br /> HydropunchT" samples exhibit nondetectable" laboratory results for gasoline analytes. W.W. <br /> Irwin Inc. has been authorized to complete the subsurface investigation and prepare the Problem <br /> Assessment Report describing the ultimate lateral characterization of the plume. Recommended <br /> remediation alternatives will follow in a specially-prepared Remedial Action Plan. <br /> This MonitoringWell Installation Workplan Addendum II which describes the proposed location <br /> of the new wells, as well as field methodologies, is included for your review and approval. <br /> Additionally, a timeline is included that illustrates the proposed length of time we require to <br /> complete the remaining corrective action activities based on information that is currently <br /> available. <br /> Proposed Work <br /> W.W. Irwin, Inc. proposes to drill at least three (3) exploratory soil borings to an approximated <br /> total depth of 35-40 feet bsg. The soil and ground water will be sampled in order to identify <br /> the presence or lack of gasoline analytes which may have migrated after leakage by the two, <br /> steel, 10,000-gallon capacity USTs and one, steel, 5,000-gallon capacity UST. Diesel has never <br /> been detected in any analyzed ground-water sample through December 15, 1994, so TRPH-d <br /> analyses should not be required. <br /> V <br /> Ground-water samples will first be collected utilizing the Hydropunch" II method. If a sample <br /> is revealed "clean" by fast-turnaround laboratory analysis, a monitoring well will be completed <br /> in that boring. Two HydropunchesTm will be completed as 2-inch diameter monitoring wells <br /> MW-7 and MW-8. HP-7/MW-7 is to be completed just east of on-site well MW-6 if street <br /> space permits. If the sample from HP-8/MW-8 (located in the "Entrance") is found impacted, <br /> a step-out boring will be drilled and sampled approximately 40 feet outbound to the east. An <br /> additional HydropunchT1 boring will be sampled on the north side of the planter island (proposed <br /> HP-4), and another (proposed HP-5) will be sampled north of MW-6. At this writing, neither <br /> are expected to be completed as monitoring wells. This work is ultimately expected to define <br /> the northern and eastern limits of the ground-water plume, completing definition. <br /> Mitchell Drilling & Environmental Company (MD&E) (C-57 License No. 672617) of Rancho <br /> Cordova, California has been selected to drill the borings, collect soil samples, and complete the <br /> monitoring wells. Should the SJCEHD require additional or updated proof-of-insurance or other <br /> pertinent information from MD&E, please contact Ed Mitchell, Jr. at (916) 852-9558. <br /> V <br /> 2 <br /> V <br />