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Dayne L. Frary, R.G., has managed this project since the April 1994 and as a consultant <br /> since December 1996. The Problem Assessment Report was prepared (dated August <br /> 8, 1995) during tenure as manager of the Merced office of W.W. Irwin, Inc. Project <br /> Status Reports of Groundwater Monitoring for the Third and Fourth Quarters of 1996 <br /> were prepared following field work by Horizon Environmental, Inc. (D.L. Frary, R.G., <br /> Project Manager). <br /> The Problem Assessment Report, as well as all others regarding the project, was <br /> accepted by the SJCEHD. The latest groundwater conditions and updated tables are <br /> included from portions of the Project Status Report of Groundwater Monitoring for the <br /> First Quarter of 1997 (Dayne L. Frary, R.G.; February 19, 1997). <br /> Residual Impaction to Soil <br /> The overexcavation of the former tank pit was conducted by W.W. Irwin, Inc. on July 20, <br /> 1993. Approximately 260 cubic yards of soil were removed from the pit and stockpiled. <br /> Less than 6 mg/Kg of benzene were detected in one floor sample collected by backhoe <br /> at the south end of the pit (see the Site Map-Figure 2, and Table A). It is my <br /> understanding that a representative of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was Onsite for <br /> most of the day and ultimately ordered cessation of activities in order to minimize <br /> danger to levee integrity. The pit was fenced and later backfilled in May 1994 after the <br /> stockpiled soil was re-sampled; no gasoline components were detected. <br /> Groundwater Conditions <br /> The source of the groundwater underlying the site is Fourteen Mile Slough. Only one <br /> well, MW-6, has ever yielded water samples which have exhibited TPH-gasoline <br /> exceeding 100 µg/L and benzene levels exceeding the State MCL. This well is <br /> approximately 100 feet north of the former UST location (see Table 2 - Analytical <br /> Results. While minor concentrations may have been transported beneath the <br /> condominium complex, the plume was defined in a relatively small area including MW-6 <br /> and the cemented location of hydropunch HP-9. Further drilling to the east is not <br /> possible because development includes a somewhat steep embankment on the <br /> immediate west side of the complex that is inaccessible to a mobile rig. <br /> Groundwater was last monitored on January 22, 1997. The flow direction was <br /> approximately N811E along a gradient of 0.018. It has been easterly (away from the <br /> Slough) on every monitoring occasion. As listed in Table 3, TPH-g was reported in the <br /> sample collected from MW-6 at 2458 gg/L and benzene was reported at 374 µg/L. The <br /> lowest benzene concentration was reported at 66 gg/L for the sample collected on <br /> January 16, 1996. The highest benzene concentration was reported at 374 µg/L for the <br /> sample collected on January 22, 1997. The differences in TPH-g and BTEX <br /> concentrations from one quarterly event to another may be influenced by delta tides <br /> (listed in Table 2) and seasonal weather, depending on rainfall event intensity and <br /> amount necessary to raise the water table during wetter months. MTBE was not <br /> detected in the sample collected from MW-6 on March 18, 1996. It has not been <br /> requested for analysis since that time. <br /> DAYNE L. FRARY,GEOLOGIST <br /> 0897-012-2 2 <br />