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Page 1 of 2 <br /> Jennifer Frase [EH] <br /> From: Simpson. Mike [] <br /> Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 9:11 AM <br /> To: Jennifer Frase [EH] <br /> Subject: Bill's Mobile Tire Service <br /> Hi Jenni! <br /> How's it going? I've got a new facility for tires for you — although he's not truly new. We had a facility <br /> - Bill's Mobile Tire Service that he runs out of his house in Galt, but has a storage building where he <br /> keeps all of his tires in Acampo — used, waste, new. After talking to him on the phone and playing <br /> phone tag and each of us trying to set up a time when we could meet, since he works all over the <br /> valley, we finally met up yesterday. His TPID was registered at his house —he mentioned moving but <br /> we were confused about where his TPID was registered to, so we did the inspection yesterday, got <br /> back and while finishing up all the paperwork I realized that his old address was where it was <br /> registered. Long story short- I ended getting him a new TPID this morning and registered it out of his <br /> storage shop in Acampo where his tires are stored— I've called him and let him know what's going on, <br /> and told him I'd let you know what was going on so you can inspect him soon if you want to, or at least <br /> get him in your system for the future. <br /> Here's his info: Bill Martin — Bill's Mobile Tire Service 21115 Bruella Rd Acampo CA 95220. His <br /> cell phone is (209) 479-4170.His old TPID was #1248151-01, and the new TPID is#1488907-01. His <br /> home address is 854 Olive Canyon Dr, Galt CA 95632. <br /> He keeps his paperwork at his house in Galt and is always out and about so I recommend setting <br /> an appointment if you decide to inspect him. Like I said earlier, we were there yesterday and he had <br /> manifests from Tri-C going back a few years, and he also takes an occasional load of 8 tires to the <br /> landfill —there were receipts from trips there available as well in his file. He is aware of hauling <br /> regulations, and as he is not a registered hauler he stated he doesn't haul more than 9 tires ever. He's <br /> been in the business since 1963, or so he told us, and he seems on top of what he's allowed to do and <br /> what he can't do. <br /> So I guess we're sorta passing him off to your jurisdiction, but he shouldn't be problematic so don't <br /> worry! I apologize if I'm rambling too much to make sense - give me a call if you want more info or to <br /> clarify anything. Hey I saw you guys are getting a new fancy building down there— looked pretty <br /> interesting, but it seemed they hadn't finalized the design of the glass atrium part. I hope the temp <br /> office is OK once they start knocking down your old building! Man...trying to keep track of paperwork <br /> through 2 moves! That'll be fun....Good luck and we'll see you later! <br /> Mike Simpson <br /> Environmental Compliance Technician <br /> Sacramento County Environmental Management Dept <br /> 8475 Jackson Rd,Ste 230 Sacramento,CA 95826 <br /> <br /> (916)875-8521 <br /> COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO EMAIL DISCLAIMER: <br /> This email and any attachments thereto may contain private, confidential, and <br /> privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, <br /> copying, or distribution of this email (or any attachments thereto) by other <br /> than the County of Sacramento or the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. <br /> If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender immediately <br /> 6/21/2007 <br />