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The following is an itemized list of aboveground petroleum storage act violations that <br /> have not been addressed for ST JOSEPHS HOSPITAL as of August 06, 2019. <br /> Open violations from December 12,2018 inspection <br /> Violation#203-Failure to implement the SPCC Plan. <br /> The SPCC plan states that"Table 7"of the SPCC plan would be posted next to unloading and transfer areas, <br /> "Table 7"was not observed to be posted next to unloading and transfer areas and could not be pointed out by <br /> facility personnel. The owner or operator or an onshore or offshore facility subject to this section must prepare in <br /> writing and implement a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan(hereafter"SPCC Plan"or"Plan"),"in <br /> accordance with§ 112.7 and any other applicable section of this part. Immediately implement the SPCC plan as <br /> written or amend the SPCC Plan to accurately represent the procedures and policies currently in place at the facility. <br /> Violation#301 -Failed to amend Plan as necessary. <br /> Two day tanks described as having a capacity of 250 gallons where not addressed in the SPCC plan. The oil <br /> storage capacity for the two Caterpillar branded generators with engine model 3512 may have a capacity of over 55 <br /> gallons of oil storage and were not addressed in the operational equipment section of the SPCC plan. The Spill <br /> Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure(SPCC) Plan must be amended when there is a change in the facility <br /> design, construction, operation, or maintenance that materially affects its potential for a discharge,within 6 months <br /> of the change, and implemented as soon as possible, not later than 6 months following preparation of the <br /> amendment. Immediately make all necessary amendments to the SPCC Plan to accurately represent the <br /> procedures and policies currently in place at the facility. <br /> Violation#302-Failed to review Plan once every five years and/or implement any resulting amendments. <br /> The Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure(SPCC) Plan was last reviewed on June 22, 2012. The SPCC <br /> plan calls for a 5 year review by September 2017, and a review has not been conducted. A review and evaluation of <br /> the SPCC Plan must be conducted at least once every 5 years. As a result of this review and evaluation, the SPCC <br /> Plan must be amended within 6 months of review, and recertified by a Professional Engineer if any technical <br /> amendments were made. Immediately conduct a review of the facility SPCC Plan and make any necessary <br /> amendments. <br /> Violation#618-Failed to keep records of procedures,inspections,or integrity tests for three years. <br /> Copies of inspection and testing records for were not found on site. Facility personnel stated that daily visual <br /> inspections are conducted but the forms in the SPCC plan for the monthly and annual inspections are not being <br /> used. Inspections and tests must be conducted in accordance with the written procedures developed in the Spill <br /> Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure(SPCC) Plan. Records of these inspections and tests must be signed by <br /> the appropriate supervisor or inspector and kept on site with the SPCC Plan for a period of three years. <br /> Immediately begin using the forms in the SPCC plan, maintain them on site, and submit copies to the EHD. <br /> Violation#710-Plan failed to adequately discuss procedures to test or inspect each container for integrity. <br /> The SPCC plan calls for the Steel Tank Institute's(STI)SP-001 standard. The SPCC plan deviates from the SP-001 <br /> standard by stating that integrity testing is not performed on any of the tanks and only visual inspections by the <br /> facility are performed. Per the SP-001 standard, not all tanks in the facility would be exempt from integrity testing. <br /> The SPCC plan also includes a frequency for formal integrity testing which is to be followed only after shell repairs <br /> of the tanks occur,this deviates from SP-001 standard for some tanks. Each aboveground container shall be tested <br /> and inspected for integrity on a regular schedule and whenever repairs are made. The qualifications of personnel <br /> performing tests and inspections, frequency and type of testing and inspections that take into account container <br /> size, configuration, and design shall be determined in accordance with industry standards. Examples of these <br /> integrity tests include, but are not limited to: visual inspection, hydrostatic testing, radiographic testing, ultrasonic <br /> testing, acoustic emissions testing, or other systems of non-destructive testing. Comparison records and other <br /> records of inspections and tests must be maintained on site. Implement inspection/testing procedures as required <br /> by industry standards, or provide equivalence as allowed by CFR 112.7(a)(2). <br /> Page 1 of 1 <br />