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12 December 2005 <br />AGE -NC Project No 03-1055 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />12 -Inch sampling interval was recorded on the boring logs After sample recovery, both ends of the <br />second sleeve were covered with Teflon sheets, capped, and sealed with tape The sample sleeves <br />were labeled, stored on Ice, and transported under chain -of -custody to Cal Tech Environmental <br />Laboratories (CTEL), a State of California Department of Health Services (DHS) -certified analytical <br />laboratory Selected soil samples were analyzed for <br />Total petroleum hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline (TPH-g) and total petroleum <br />hydrocarbons quantified as diesel (TPH-d) in accordance with EPA Method 8015 Modified, <br />Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) and methyl tertiary -butyl ether <br />(MTBE) In accordance with EPA Method 8260B, <br />• The fuel additives di -isopropyl ether (DIPS), ethyl tertiary -butyl ether (ETBE), tertiary -amyl <br />methyl ether (TAME), tertiary butanol (TBA), 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA), and <br />1,2-dibromoethane (EDB) by EPA Method 8260B <br />The sampling equipment was washed in an Alconox solution and rinsed with water prior to each <br />sampling run to minimize cross -contamination <br />• 212 Logging <br />Soil was extruded from a second brass sleeve The soil was then visually described in accordance <br />with the Unified Soil Classification System (see Appendix B for boring logs) <br />2 13 Well Completions <br />Pilot borings MW8 through MW 10 were completed as ground water monitoring wells using 2 -inch <br />diameter PVC casing with a 0 020 -inch slotted screen installed from approximately 5 to 20 feet bsg <br />The filter pack (No 2 Lonestar sand) was installed from 4 to 20 feet bsg, and a 2 -foot bentonite chip <br />plug was then installed above the filter pack and hydrated The wells were then grouted to near the <br />surface with portland cement, and water -tight, traffic -rated well boxes were installed over the wells <br />As -built well diagrams are depicted on the boring logs in Appendix B <br />2 14 Monitoring Well Development <br />On 01 July 2005, monitoring wells MW -8 through MW -10 were developed using a steel bailer and <br />Watera Inertia pump with dedicated 518" polyvinyl tubing Ground water was purged from each <br />monitoring well until the water was visually sediment free, approximately 15 to 17 gallons of water <br />■ <br />• was removed from the wells Purged ground water was containerized in properly labeled DOT - <br />Advanced CeoEnvironmental, Inc <br />