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. Site Background Information <br />Former TRACY DINER <br />95 West 11" Street, Tracy, California <br />'0 <br />The former Tracy Diner is situated at the Intersection of West I P Street and Adams Street in a <br />business/agricultural area of central Tracy, California The site is located in an area of low <br />topographic relief, at an elevation of approximately 18 feet above mean sea level (MSL), as depicted <br />on the Tracy Quadrangle (7 5 -Minute USGS Topographic Series, 1968, photo revised 1976, see <br />Figure 1) The prominent features on the subject property are Illustrated on Figure 2 <br />REGIONAL GEOLOGIC/HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING <br />The site is located within the northern San Joaquin Valley, which comprises part of the Great Valley <br />Geomorphic Province of California The San Joaquin Valley is formed by the Great Valley <br />geosyncline a large, elongate, northwest -trending, asymmetric structural trough bordered by the <br />Coast Ranges to the west, the Klamath Mountains and Cascade Range to the north, and the Sierra <br />Nevada to the east This trough has been filled with sediments derived from both marine and <br />continental sources The thickness of the sedimentary fill ranges from thin veneers along the valley <br />edges to greater than 20,000 feet in the south central portion of the valley The sedimentary <br />formations vary in age from Jurassic to Recent, with the older deposits being primarily marine in <br />origin and the younger deposits continental Continental -derived sediments were primarily deposited <br />in lacustrine, fluvial, and alluvial environments from the mountain ranges surrounding the valley <br />(Olmsted and Davis, 1961) The site is located on unconsolidated and semi -consolidated alluvium, <br />lake, playa, and terrace deposits of Quaternary age (California Division of Mines and Geology, <br />1977) <br />Based on information gathered during quarterly monitoring events, ground water depth at the site <br />ranges from 9 feet to 12 feet below surface grade (bsg), and flows toward the southeast, but this may <br />be modified by changing recharge and discharge patterns (Lines of Equal Depth to Groundwater <br />Spring 1996, San Joaquin County Flood Control District and Water Conservation District <br />[FCD&WCD]) <br />UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL <br />A gasoline underground storage tank (UST) reportedly operated on the site for approximately <br />30 years, from 1940 until 1970 The UST system is assumed to have been removed after 1970, <br />however, no records of the UST removal are available with the Tracy Fire Department, Tracy <br />Building Department, or the San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department (EHD) <br />Advanced CcoEnvâ–şronmental, Inc <br />