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. Site Background Information former Tracy Diner <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />• <br />at concentrations of 28 µg/l (B6 and 139) and 8 7 µg/1(B8) <br />• Dissolved lead was not detected at or above laboratory reporting limits in the any of the <br />ground water samples <br />SOIL EXCAVATION <br />On 23 October 2000, hydrocarbon -impacted soil at the former northern dispenser area was removed <br />with an excavator and 2 45 cubic -yard bucket and stockpiled on the eastern edge of the site <br />Excavated soil was field screened for the presence of volatile organic compounds using an organic <br />vapor meter (OVM) Ground water was present within the limits of the excavation at a depth of <br />15 feet bsg <br />On 20 and 21 October 2003, hydrocarbon -impacted soil north of the October 2000 excavation area <br />was removed with an excavator and 2 45 cubic -yard bucket and stockpiled on the eastern edge of <br />the site Excavated soil was field screened for the presence of volatile organic compounds using an <br />OVM Ground water was present within the limits of the excavation at a depth of 13 feet bsg On <br />21 October 2003, the excavation was halted due to the discovery of one 500 -gallon UST <br />On 05 November 2003, the UST was removed under the supervision of the EHD Excavation <br />activities resumed on 10 November 2003 and continued until 12 November 2003 At this time, the <br />excavation was backfilled with clean fill material Saturated soil was excavated from below the <br />water table and stockpiled on-site within a soil containment berm Soil was placed on plastic sheets <br />for temporary storage The open excavation area was surrounded by caution fencing No AGE or <br />subcontractor personnel was allowed into the excavation area <br />On 27 July 2004, two soil borings were advanced at the site for the collection of soil samples and <br />the installation of two ground water monitoring wells (MW -6 and MW -7) The monitoring wells <br />were developed on 05 August 2004, sampled on 09 August 2004, and surveyed on 16 August 2004 <br />MW -6 and MW -7 were completed as ground water monitoring wells using 2 -inch diameter PVC <br />casing with a 0 020 -inch slotted screen installed from approximately 5 feet to 20 feet bsg The filter <br />pack (No 3 Lonestar sand) was installed from 4 feet to 20 feet bsg, and a nominal 1 -foot bentonite <br />chip plug was installed above the filter pack and hydrated The wells were grouted to near the <br />surface with portland cement, and water -tight, traffic -rated well boxes were installed over the wells <br />A total of five soil samples were analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbon constituents TPH-g and TPH- <br />d were detected in the soil sample collected from boring MW6-15H at concentrations of 3 5 mg/kg <br />and 37 mg/kg, respectively <br />Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc <br />