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11 July 2003 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 03-1055 <br /> Page 6 of 7 <br /> Appropriately sealed and labeled samples will be placed an a chilled container under ice and <br /> transported under chain-of-custody procedure to a DHS-certified laboratory Each sample sleeve will <br /> be labeled with the boring designation,depth, time,date and sampler's initials Soils encountered an <br /> the borings will be visually classified by an AGE geologist in accordance with the Unified Soil <br /> Classification System(USCS) Additionally, soil samples will be field-screened for the presence of <br /> volatile organic compounds using an organic vapor meter(OVM), equipped with photo-ionization <br /> detector(PID) <br /> 4 12 In-situ Ground Water Sampling Procedures <br /> For the collection of grab ground water samples, soil probe borings will be advanced to the top of <br /> the ground water table as identified by collection of a saturated soil sample Once ground water has <br /> been encountered,a Geoprobe push-driven water sampling device will be advanced two to three feet <br /> into the water-bearing zone Grab ground water samples will be collected using a Geoprobe water <br /> saanphng assembly fitted with apre-cleaned, one-arch diameter 0 01-slotted temporary well screen <br /> Each ground water sample will be extracted by lowering a polyethylene bailer through the hollow <br /> center of the push rods into the screen section Samples for TPH-g, BTEX, and fuel oxygenate <br /> analyses will be collected into laboratory-supplied, 40-m1 volatile organic analysis (VOA) vials <br /> containing 0 5-ml of hydrochloric acid as sample preservative <br /> Appropriately sealed and labeled samples will be placed an a chilled container under ice and <br /> transported under chain-of-custody procedure to a DHS-certified laboratory Each sample container <br /> will be labeled with the boring designation, tune, date and sampler's arutaals <br /> 4 2 EQUIPMENT DECONTAMINATION <br /> All sampling tools used for sample collection will be thoroughly rinsed with clean water after being <br /> washed with a solution of Alconox All down-hole drilling and sampling equipment will be pressure <br /> washed prior to starting each boring <br /> 4 3 BORING ABANDONMENT <br /> Any soil borings will be permanently sealed to prevent vertical migration of potential contaminants <br /> Soil borings shall be abandoned by backfillmg with a cement-slurry from the total depth to surface <br /> grade The SJCEHD will be notified for grout inspection at least 48 hours prior to grouting the <br /> borings <br /> Advanced GeoEnvironmental,Inc <br />