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Accordingly, when geoenvironmental professionals indicate in their <br />reports that they have performed a service "in general compliance" <br />with one standard or another, it means they have applied professional <br />judgement in creating and implementing a scope of service designed <br />for the specific client and project involved, and which follows some <br />of the general precepts laid out in the referenced standard. To the <br />extent that a report indicates "general compliance" with a standard, <br />you may wish to speak with your geoenvironmental professional <br />to learn more about what was and was not done. Do not assume <br />a given standard was followed to the letter. Research indicates <br />that that seldom is the case. <br />Realize That Recommendations May Not Be Huai <br />The technical recommendations Included in a geoenvironmental <br />report are based on assumptions about actual conditions, and so are <br />preliminary or tentative. Final recommendations can be prepared only <br />by observing actual conditions as they are exposed. For that reason, <br />you should retain the geoenvironmental professional of record to <br />observe construction and/or remediation activities on site, to permit <br />rapid response to unanticipated conditions. The geoenvironmental <br />professional who prepared the report cannot assume responsibility <br />or liability for the report's recommendations if that professional is <br />not retained to observe relevant site operations. <br />RaderMill That Geotechnical Issues Have Not Been Addressed <br />Unless geotechnical engineering was specifically included in the <br />scope of professional service, a report is not likely to relate any find- <br />ings, conclusions, or recommendations about the suitability of sub- <br />surface materials for construction purposes, especially when site <br />remediation has been accomplished through the removal, replace- <br />ment, encapsulation, or chemical treatment of on-site soils. The <br />equipment, techniques, and testing used by geotechnical engineers <br />differ markedly from those used by geoenvironmental professionals; <br />their education, training, and experience are also significantly differ- <br />ent. If you plan to build on the subject site, but have not yet had a <br />geotechnical engineering study conducted, your geoenvironmental <br />professional should be able to provide guidance about the next steps <br />you should take. The same firm may provide the services you need. <br />Brad RestionsBulity Provisions Closely <br />Geoenvironmental studies cannot be exact; they are based on profes- <br />sional judgement and opinion. Nonetheless, some clients, contractors, <br />and others assume geoenvironmental reports are or certainly should <br />be unerringly precise. Such assumptions have created unrealistic <br />expectations that have led to wholly unwarranted claims and disputes. <br />To help prevent such problems, geoenvironmental professionals have <br />developed a number of report provisions and contract terms that <br />explain who is responsible for what, and how risks are to be allocated. <br />Some people mistake these for "exculpatory clauses," that is, provi- <br />sions whose purpose is to transfer one party's rightful responsibilities <br />and liabilities to someone else. Read the responsibility provisions <br />included in a report and in the contract you and your geoenvironmental <br />professional agreed to. Responsibility provisions are not "boiler- <br />plate. "They are important. <br />Rely on Your Geoenvironmental Professional for <br />Additional Assistance <br />Membership in ASFE exposes geoenvironmental professionals to a <br />wide array of risk management techniques that can be of genuine <br />benefit for everyone involved with a geoenvironmental project. Confer <br />with your ASFE-member geoenvironmental professional for more <br />information. <br />ASFE <br />TIE NINE PEOPLE IN EANTI <br />8811 Colesville Road/Suite G106, Silver Spring, MD 20910 <br />Telephone: 301/565-2733 Facsimile: 301/589-2017 <br />e-mail: <br />Copyright 2000 by ASFE, Inc. Duplication, reproduction, or copying of this document, in whole or in part, by any means whalsoeve[ is strictly prohibited, except with ASFn <br />specific written permission. Excerpting quoting, or otherwise extracting wording from this document is permitted only with the express written permission ofASFE, and only impurposes of scholarly <br />research or book review OmyASFEMember Firms may insert this document in their reports. <br />IIGR05055.0M <br />