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ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT <br />SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY <br />Unit Supervisors <br />Donna K. Heran, R.E.H.S. <br />304 East Weber Avenue, Third Floor Carl Borgman, R.E.H.S. <br />Director <br />Al Olsen, R.E.H.S. Stockton, California 95202-2708 Mike Huggins, R.E.H.S., R.D.I.Douglas W. Wilson, R.E.H.S. <br />Program Manager Telephone: (209) 468-3420 Margaret Lagorio, R.E.H.S. <br />� r r 0 Laurie A. Cotulla, R.E.H.S. <br />Program Manager Fax: (209) 464-0138 Robert McClellon, R.E.H.S. <br />Mark Barcellos, R.E.H.S. <br />LETTER OF VIOLATION <br />May 5, 2005 Sent Certified and U.S. Mail <br />Ronald Marchetti <br />5827 Widgeon Ct. <br />Stockton, CA 95207 <br />Complaint ID: C00022660 <br />RE: Waste Tires located at 7666 S. El Dorado Rd., French Camp, CA 95231 (APN 19316006). <br />San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department (EHD) staff conducted a complaint investigation of the waste <br />tires located at 7666 S. EI Dorado Rd., Stockton, CA, on May 4`h, 2005. The site was evaluated for compliance with <br />applicable sections of Title 14 California Code cf Regulations (T14 CCR). On the above date, the EHD observed three <br />areas of loosely piled waste tires and one semi trailer fully loaded with waste tires. It was determined that more than <br />500 waste tires were being stored on site. <br />The following violations of Title 14, CCR were documented: <br />T14 CCR 17351 Fire Prevention Measures <br />T14 CCR 17353 Vector Control Measures <br />T14 CCR 17354 Storage of Waste Tires <br />The San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department is requesting that you remove the waste tires from this <br />premise. All waste tires removed from your property are required to be transported by a registered waste tire hauler <br />to an authorized destination facility. Each load of tires removed shall be properly manifested. A list of registered tire <br />haulers can be found at the California Integrated Waste Management Board web site at, or by <br />calling the Waste Tire Hotline at 1(800)-896-0600. <br />According to T14 CCR, this department has the authority to: issue an administrative order requiring the owner or <br />operator to take corrective action as necessary to abate a nuisance, cease and desist any improper action, and establish a <br />time schedule according to which the facility shall be brought into compliance. <br />Effective immediately cease and desist all transportation of waste tires to the above referenced location. <br />Within 14 days of receipt of this notice, a written plan must be submitted to EHD for review and approval how <br />the waste tires will be transported and properly manifested. <br />Within 90 days of receipt of this notice, remove all waste tires from this location, and remove them to an <br />authorized destination facility. Failure to respond to this notice will result in further legal action. <br />Also, please be advised that any further transportation of waste tires to this location is a violation of state statute. <br />Under law, it does not matter whether the property owner/operator brought the waste tires on site, allowed others to <br />bring the tires on site or the tires were brought on site without permission. <br />If you have any questions contact Ted Tasiopoulos, Sr. REHS at (209) 953-7698. <br />-Z�Q-Q� <br />Robert McClellon, Supervisor REHS <br />Environmental Health Department <br />cc: '"Keith Cambridge, CIWMB <br />Enterea Waste Tire Management, MS 22a <br />KB <br />Certified Letter # -7eooq x510 DOOR 317? 01 9� <br />