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S <br /> 4 , V <br /> 20 March 1996 <br />' AGE-NC Project No 95-0139 <br /> Page 3 of 6 <br /> 3.0. PROCEDURES ` <br />' 3 1 MONITORING WELL PURGE PROCEDURES ; <br /> On 10 January 1996, a Solmst water level meter was used to measure the depth to water in each well r <br />' relative to the top of the casing The relative ground water elevations and hydraulic gradient were <br /> determined from these data (Table 1) <br />' After depth to ground water measurements, a submersible pump was used to remove standing water <br /> from each well Approximately 5 gallons (minimum of three well volumes) of water were removed <br />' from each well to stabilize temperature, pH and conductivity Ground water parameters were <br /> measured at one-gallon intervals using an ICM water analyzer All purging equipment was <br /> decontaminated in an Alconox solution and rinsed twice after each well was purged The purged <br />' water was stored in 55-gallon drums on-site Stabilization data and field logs are included in <br /> Appendix A <br /> 32 COLLECTION OF GROUND WATER SAMPLES <br /> Water samples were collected from each well using disposable plastic bailers The samples were <br /> transferred into 40-m1 EPA vials containing hydrochloric acid as a preservative and l-liter amber <br /> bottles After collection, the samples were placed in a chilled container and transported under chain- <br /> of-custody to Western Environmental Science & Technology (WEST) in Davis, California Each <br /> water sample was analyzed for TPH-g and TPH-d and volatile organics (benzene, toluene, ethyl <br /> benzene and total xylenes, BTE&X) in accordance with EPA methods 5030i8015m and 602, <br /> respectively <br /> � 1 <br />�r 3 3 COLLECTION OF GEOPROBE SOIL AND WATER SAMPLES <br /> t Five probings were advanced on 22 January 71996 using AGEs Geo robe 5400 probing unitequipped <br /> with a 2 15-inch diameter sampling assembly and 1 125-inch diameter probe rods The location of <br /> the five probings is as follows (see Figure 2) probing B5 north of MW-1, probing B6 west of the <br /> former UST excavation, probing B7 east of the current pump island, north of the current USTs, <br /> probing B8 east of the current pump island and south of the current USTs, and probing B9 in the <br /> driveway of the property immediately west of the site Probmgs B5 and B6 were advanced to 15 5 <br /> feet below surface grade(bsg), probings B7 arid B8 were advanced to 14 5 feet bsg and probing B9 <br /> was advanced to 13 5 feet bsg, the elevation of probing B-9 is approximately 1 5 feet below surface <br /> grade of the site for the other probings <br /> 1 Sort samples were collected from each probing at 2-foot intervals beginning at a depth of 9 feet in <br />