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{1 <br /> iF <br /> Discussion <br /> Groundwater movement is north-northwesterly at a low flow gradient and the flow direction is consistent <br /> with historically observed trends Contaminants were observed in the Wells MW-2, MW-3, MW-4, MW-6 <br /> and MW-9 Concentrations declined in Wells MW-9 and MW-6, and rose in MW-2 and MW-3 A <br /> relatively large groundwater "mound" of nearly one foot (observed) has formed since the last monitoring <br /> The "mound" is centered at MW-2 and could account for creating a driving head in that vicinity that could <br /> influence MW-4 Thecause of the"mound" is unknown at this time <br /> Concentrations declined steeply at MW-9 (as well as fluctuations in other wells) which indicates that <br /> desorbtion influences concentrations observed depending upon fluctuating aquifer water levels and <br /> contaminant absorbtion to soil (see discussion in previous report) These concentration variation trends <br /> are attributed to a fluctuations in water levels and desorbtion from the aquifer sediment/soil in the <br /> immediate vicinity of the wells <br /> MTBE was observed dust above detection limits in MW-2 at a lower concentration than the previous <br /> quarter Previously, the laboratory reported a matrix interference with the previous MW-2 sample may <br /> have caused the MTBE detection (apparently due to the degraded condition of the gasoline) Overall <br /> observed residual contaminant concentration fluctuations are attributed to aquifer recharge and rising <br /> water levels which allow more desorption of residual petroleum fuel A groundwater mound would <br /> support this conclusion since the larger driving head could be expected to cause some contaminant <br /> migration if MTBE (with its higher solubility) was in this area In our opinion, degraded fuel and fluctuating <br /> concentrations of contaminants continue an overall declining trend which is similar to sites with long term <br /> petroleum fuel contamination Residual contaminants tend to be strongly absorbed onto the aquifer <br />. sediment and soil in the capillary fringe <br /> The continuing occurrence of contaminants in MW-6 is attributed to an offsite source (presumably <br /> somewhere south across East Eleventh Street) since MW-6 is upgradlent of the known on-site <br /> contaminant source This off-site plume appears to migrate toward 595 11th Street and has been <br /> observed since August, 1997, a trend indicating an off-site upgradient source <br /> Conclusions and Recommendations <br /> The information contained herein has discussed the extent of the contaminant plume and historic <br /> groundwater monitoring data The chemical data strongly indicate a highly degraded petroleum <br /> hydrocarbon plume which has effectively stabilized Historic data herein show fluctuation concentrations <br /> which are attributed to rising and falling water levels which allow local desorbtion of contaminants The <br /> overall trends are declining and are, in our opinion, similar to other petroleum contaminant sites with a <br /> long term plume and degrading fuel components <br /> Wright has submitted closure rationale to the PHS EHD which is being reviewed at this time, and is <br /> awaiting a decision regarding the need for additional monitoring and site closure <br /> i <br /> Page 7 <br />