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l <br /> Remediation Risk Management, Inc. <br /> November 8, 1993 � !"11R0,V_: 'i AL I,E-A TIi <br /> P E P V: i [ R b k.,E Santa Cruz Office <br /> P O Bax 1362 <br /> CIEC —9 PM G' 14 Aptos, CA 95001 <br /> Mr Laurence Paradis Tel (408)662-9411 <br /> Miller, Starr,and Regalia Fax (408)684-2454 <br /> One Kaiser Plaza, Suite 1600 <br /> Oakland, CA 94612 <br /> SUBJECT: Site Characterization Report for the Subject Site Located at 595 East 11th Street in <br /> Tracy,San Joaquin County, California. <br /> Dear Mr Paradis <br /> Remediation Risk Management(RRM) is pleased to submit the following report presenting the procedures <br /> and findings of the Phase II Site Characterization Study which was conducted on October 6 & 7, 1993 at <br /> the above referenced subject site The work was conducted for Miller, Starr & Regalia, A Professional <br /> Law Corporation,and their client, Mr Jack Vaughn, who owns the property at 595 East 11th Street The <br /> main objective of the study was to further characterize the extent of petroleum hydrocarbons in the <br /> shallov, sub-surface soils, particularly, down gradient and to the north of the former underground storage <br /> tank(UST) locations <br /> SITE BACKGROUND <br /> The subject site is located at 595 East 11th Street in Tracy, San Joaquin County, California The site <br /> encompasses a muffler repair shop (Ed's Muffler Shop), welding shop, and residential trailer park The <br /> subject site is bordered by Tracy High Union School to the north There is also evidence of a large <br /> diameter underground cement casing,visible within the east end of the former UST excavation pit, which <br /> appears to run from north to south Figure 1 is a detailed site map showing all the relevant features at the <br /> subject site <br /> In January 1990, four underground storage tanks were excavated and removed from the site at Ed's <br /> Muffler Shop The tank system consisted of an 8,000-gallon capacity tank used to store regular leaded <br /> gasoline, 7,500-gallon capacity tank used to store regular unleaded gasoline, and two 4,000-gallon <br /> capacity tanks each used for premium unleaded gasoline In addition, a waste oil tank was reportedly also <br /> removed at the time <br /> During UST removal, soils were sampled from beneath each end of each tank and from beneath the piping <br /> at the pump dispenser islands In addition, a sample was taken of the water which accumulated in the <br /> UST excavation Laboratory analyses results of the samples indicated that the soils around the former <br /> USTs were impacted with petroleum hydrocarbon products <br /> In January 1992, a soil gas survey was performed to test soil vapor for total volatile hydrocarbon (TVH) <br /> concentrations A total of 17 temporary vapor probes were installed to approximately 11-feet below grade <br /> Results of the soil gas survey indicated TVH concentrations of up to 32,000 parts per million (ppm) near <br /> to and north of the former UST locations <br /> In March 1992, three groundwater monitor wells, designated MW-1 through MW-3, were installed at the <br /> site Figure 2, shows the locations of the monitor wells Each well was sampled for total petroleum <br /> hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) and for benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) <br /> Laboratory analyses results of the samples showed that TPHg concentrations of 14 1 and 2 6 ppm and <br /> BTEX compounds were present at wells MW-2 and MW-3, respectively <br /> copy <br /> z , <br />