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Former Discovery Chevrolet June 5, 1998 <br /> Tracy,California Corrective Action Plan <br /> == range of uplifted intrusive granitic rocks and remnant metamorphic rocks of pre-Tertiary <br /> age. These rocks form an asymmetrical fault block that dips gently to the west and comprise <br /> the basement complex beneath the Central Valley. The Coast Ranges border the Central <br /> Valley on the west and consist mostly of complexly folded and faulted consolidated marine <br /> and nonmarine sedimentary rocks of Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary age. These rocks dip <br /> eastward toward the Central Valley and overlie the basement complex. <br /> The Great Valley geomorphic province consists of two broad alluvial valleys, the <br /> Sacramento Valley in the north and the San Joaquin Valley in the south. These two valleys <br /> meet in the area of the inland delta that marks the confluence of the San Joaquin River with <br /> the Sacramento River. The Central Valley is flanked by alluvial fans deposited at the foot of <br /> the Coast Ranges to the west and the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the east. Unconsolidated <br /> deposits comprise the upper stratigraphic sequence of the Central Valley. These deposits <br /> have been mapped as continental and lacustrine deposits of Holocene to Miocene in age. <br /> The unconsolidated deposits are underlain by consolidated marine rocks of the Tertiary-age <br /> Great Valley sequence, which in turn are underlain by a basement complex of metamorphic <br /> and igneous rocks of pre-Tertiary age. <br /> 3.2 Regional Hydrogeology and Water Usa e <br /> The Great Valley geomorphic province is divided into three hydrologic basins: the <br /> Sacramento River Basin, the San Joaquin River Basin, and the Tulare Lake Basin. The city <br /> of Tracy is located within the San Joaquin Delta Hydrographic Unit of the San Joaquin River <br /> Basin (RWQCB, 1994). <br /> The general movement of groundwater within the Central Valley is from the flanks of the <br /> Sierra Nevada Mountains toward the axis of the Great Valley structural trough, which is <br /> located on the western side of the Central Valley, nearer to the Coast Ranges. The regional <br /> direction of groundwater flow then runs parallel to the axis of the trough, approximately <br /> north-northwest, towards the inland delta. The groundwater flow system in the Central <br /> Valley has been greatly altered by large-scale groundwater development and very large <br /> 3001-21.cap 5 HORIZON ENVIRONMENTAL INC. <br />