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Former Discovery Chevrolet March 20, 1998 <br /> Tracy,California Problem Assessment Report <br /> The soil borings were drilled to a depth of approximately 20 feet bsg, except for borings GP- <br /> 6 and GP-10, which were drilled to 25 feet bsg and 14 feet bsg, respectively. The locations <br /> of the borings are shown on Figure 2. Upon completion of sampling, the borings were <br /> backfilled with a bentonite/neat cement grout to existing grade. <br /> Sediments encountered during drilling consisted primarily of silty clay and clayey sand. The <br /> sediments from the borings were classified using the Unified Soil Classification System <br /> (USCS). A copy of the USCS is shown on the Boring Log Symbol Key in Appendix G. <br /> 4.2 WellInventory <br /> A review of California Department of Water Resources (DRW) well records was conducted <br /> by Horizon. Records were searched to identify wells within a one-half mile radius of the <br /> site. According to DWR records, five wells, both public and private, were identified within <br /> this radius (historical Figure 4 and Table 4 in Appendix D). There were no recorded wells <br /> downgradient from this site. The nearest well, #1, is 700 feet north-northeast of the site and <br /> is completed to 427 feet bsg. During the Horizon February 19, 1998 site drilling, an <br /> apparent water well was discovered outside of the northwest corner of the service bay area <br /> (Figure 2). An approximately 6-inch diameter steel casing was noted with a 2-inch diameter <br /> galvanized pipe extending above ground level from inside the casing. The apparent well <br /> was measured with an electronic well sounder to a depth of approximately 145 feet bsg, <br /> where the sounder appeared to encounter soft sediments. <br /> 5.0 LABORATORY RESULTS <br /> Analytical ReNults- Soil <br /> Soil samples were collected from borings GP-1 through GP-9 at depths of approximately 5, <br /> 10, 15, and 20 feet bsg. At the request of the SJC DHS/EHD inspectors, boring GP-6, the <br /> deepest boring, was also sampled at 25 feet bsg. No soil samples were collected from boring <br /> GP-10. The soil samples were submitted under chain-of-custody (COC) to Kiff Analytical <br /> i' <br /> 3001-12.par 6 HORIZON ENVIRONMENTAL INC. <br />