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_ _----- <br /> Former <br /> _ __Former Discovery Chevrolet <br /> June 27, 1995 <br /> TPHg and benzene were detected in wells MW-1 (400 and 120 ppb, respectively) and MW-2 <br /> 100 and 37 m respectively). TPHg, BTEX TPHd and O&G were not detected in well <br /> � ppm, P Y)• g� <br /> MW-3. These data have been used to construct a TPHg/Benzene/TPHd Concentration Map <br /> (Figure 4). <br /> Disposition of Soil Cuttings <br /> Soil cuttings generated during the installation of wells MW-1 through MW-3 were stockpiled <br /> at the subject site pending disposal. Based on our conversation with Mr. Sasson (SJCEHD) <br /> and Mr. John Solomon, service manager for Tracy Chevrolet, it is our understanding that <br /> a portion of the stockpile soil washed away during the heavy rains of the first quarter, 1995. <br /> Mr. Solomon indicated that the remainder of the stockpiled soil was moved to an unpaved <br /> area 50 feet west of the body shop building and immediately north of the paving, and was <br /> used to fill in a low stop in a parking area. At the request of Mr. Sasson, one soil sample <br /> (SS-1) was collected from this area on April 26, 1995,.by G-R to assess whether residual <br /> hydrocarbons remained in the soil. Mr. Sasson was present to observe sample collection. <br /> This sample was analyzed for TPHg and BTEX. Petroleum hydrocarbons were not detected <br /> in this sample. Soil sampling procedures are presented in Appendix A. . A copy of the <br /> analytical laboratory report and chain-of-custody form are included in Appendix D. <br /> f Disposition of Wel] Purge Water <br /> Purge water generated during the installation,'development, and first quarter 1995 sampling <br /> of groundwater monitoring wells MW-1 through MW-3 was transported from the site for <br /> disposal on April 24, 1995. Five drums of water were transported by Integrated <br /> Wastestream Management (IWM) of Milpitas, California, to the Seaport Environmental <br /> disposal facility in Redwood City, California. A copy of the IWM Non-Hazardous Water <br /> Transport Form is included in Appendix E. <br /> DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS <br /> During the second quarter 1995 depth-to-groundwater measurements rose approximately 0.03. <br /> to 0.04 feet (wells MW_1 and MW-2, respectively) and decreased approximately 0.01 feet <br /> (well MW-3) from water levels measured during the first quarter 1995. During the second <br /> quarter 1995 groundwater appeared to flow toward the north-northwest under a gradient of <br /> 0.003. These data appear generally consistent with monitoring data from first quarter 1995. <br /> TPHg and benzene were detected upgradient (well MW-1) and downgradient (well MW-2) <br /> of the former gasoline USTs. Petroleum hydrocarbons were not detected downgradient of <br /> the former waste oil UST (well MW-3). O&G has not been detected in groundwater samples <br /> from well MW-3 for three consecutive sampling events. Hydrocarbon concentrations from <br /> first quarter to second quarter 1995 deceased in wells MW-1 and MW-2. <br /> - 8146.02-2 .4 <br />