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Section 1.0 Quality Assurance Objectives <br /> The primary objective for a sampling plan is to collect samples that will allow <br /> measurements of chemical properties of a waste that are both accurate and precise. <br /> If the chemical measurements are sufficiently accurate and precise, they will be <br /> considered reliable estimates of the chemical properties of that waste. The goal of the <br /> Gettler-Ryan Sampling Plan is to produce field sampling data that are accurate, <br /> precise, complete, and comparable. <br /> Accuracy is a measure of the relative percent difference (% RPD) between a measured <br /> value and the "true" or accepted reference value. <br /> The objective for accuracy of field sampling measurements is to achieve and maintain <br /> factory equipment specifications on field instrumentation. Field measurements cannot <br /> be assessed for accuracy by spiking a field sample with the analytical parameter and <br /> measuring a response; therefore, these instruments can only be assessed for accuracy <br /> by the response to a known sample (such as a calibration standard) used to <br /> standardize it. A copy of the Gettler-Ryan Equipment Calibration Sheet can be found <br /> in Appendix A. <br /> The pH meter and conductivity meters are calibrated with reference solutions which <br /> are traceable to a reference, such as the National Institute of Standards and <br /> Technology (NIST) or Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reference materials. <br /> Precision is the agreement between a set of replicate measurements without <br /> assumption of knowledge of the true value. The objective for precision of field data <br /> collection methods is to take replicate (two or three) measurements for field <br /> parameters to determine the reproducibility of these measurements. <br /> For the pH meter, precision will be tested by multiple readings in the medium of <br /> concern. Consecutive readings should agree within plus or minus 0.1 pH unit. The <br /> thermometer will, be visually inspected before each use. Consecutive measurements <br /> should agree within plus or minus 1 degree Celsius. Conductivity meters are tested by <br /> placing the sample electrode in potassium chloride buffer solutions of 100, 1000, or <br /> 10,000 umhos/cm. Consecutive readings should agree within ±5%. <br /> Comparability expresses the degree of confidence with which one data set can be <br /> compared to another. The comparability of all data collected is ensured by: 1 ) using <br /> identified standard methods for both sampling and analysis phases of this project; 2) <br /> ensuring traceability of all analytical standards and/or source materials to EPA or NIST <br /> standard references, and 3) using standard reporting units and formats including the <br /> reporting of QC data. <br /> Completeness is defined as the percentage of measurements made which are judged <br /> to be valid. The QC objective for completeness is the generation of valid data for at <br />